I'm Gonna Miss You

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Maya's P.O.V

We were on our way to the airport and honestly i'm kinda scared because  i don't want to leave my family."So Caleb what do you plan on doing after collage ?"my dad asked. "I plan on getting a job and during collage get a part time job". " You better take care of my daughter and my grandchild also  no more kids till you settle down" Caleb was a bout to answer before I interrupted him "Ok dad that's enough" 

10 minutes later we finally arrived at the airport. I grab Sophia and her bag while my parents and sister grab my bags. We checked our bags and tickets and headed to our gate. My parents and i said our final good byes. We are  currently waiting to be boarded but we get to board first because we have a small child with us.

"We are now boarding  section A" The young flight attendant  said. Caleb grabs the carrier and her diaper while i grab mine and his carry on. We handed  the flight attendant are tickets  while she gave us a disgusted look. Hey never saw a teenager have a kid i wanted to say but i stopped my self.We took our seat me being in window, Sophia in the middle and Caleb in asile seat. Everybody starts to board and the boring safety video starts to play. We then start to take off.

3 hours later

We finally land and let me tell you everybody  on that flight probably hates us because Sophia would not stop crying. I tried to feed her but she wouldn't latch on. I check her diaper  but it was fine. Right now we are heading to baggage  claim to grab our bags. After we grabbed our bags and went outside to find my aunt. 

We finally find her and her Aunt Alli comes and grabs me in a big bear hug. "Oh my gosh i haven't seen you in a while i missed you". "Hey Alli I've  missed you too".  Caleb just shuffles his feet waiting awkwardly  for me to introduce  him. "Aunt Alli this is Caleb my boyfriend Caleb this  is my Aunt Alli". Caleb went to go shake her hand but she pulled him in for a hug.

"Sorry I'm a hugger".She says innocently  "It's ok" He replied back. We put our bags in the car and headed to her house. Once we arrive we are greeted by two hyper dogs and a very excited uncle Charles. He helps grab our bags and put them in the guest room.

Our Conversation

M.Maya A.Alli C.Caleb Ch.Charles

Ch. So how war your flight  

C.Not very well Sophia cried most of the plane ride and i'm pretty sure everybody hated us

A. hey you can't predict how the baby gonna be 

M. yeah that's true

Ch. ok so we have to set some ground rules

A. hey they just go here

M. no it's ok go ahead 

Ch. if you go anywhere then you better be home at a decent hour 

A. that's true i don't want to be woken up in the middle of the night with the dogs barking 

Ch. and no baby making in this house and for a long while we don't need anymore kids running around this house


My aunt says while smacking him on the back of his neck. 

C. Sir that won't happen for a while

Ch. Caleb to me a favor and call me charles

C. Ok sir sorry i mean Charles 

M. ok I'm getting tired im gonna go to sleep goodnight love you guys

A and Ch. Good night love you

And with that me and caleb went in the spare room and set up the pop up crib. Then we went to sleep.

Hey guys it's Sandra i hope you like this story. I'm sorry i haven't wrote in a while but im back for good I wanna be more interactive with you guys so im gonna start a question of the day so please answer i will answer to.

Don't be a silent reader tell me how you like the book.

QOTD:Who is you favorite  character so far

ATTQOTD: Caleb (Duhhhh)

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