chapter 1

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y/n's pov:

A lot of people assume me and Todoroki are engaged because we've been secretly in love, when in reality we know nothing about each other. we've gone on dinner dates and to public events but when ever we talk it's all for show and about business no matter how hard I've tried to get at least his favorite color. his dad is controlling like insanely, My parents on the other hand they were just down on their luck our business was starting to shut down and endeavor took advantage of that by offering them a lot of money for my hand in marriage. I still don't know why he chose me but at least my family will be taken care. 

Todoroki's pov:

It's not that I don't like her it's just I don't like arranged marriages but I had no choice he threatened to take me out of school and that is my only escape from him for now. I like her, Y/n is nice and pretty. I appreciate her always trying to talk to me and get to know me but maybe if I push her away.... she'll leave and we can both be happy with who we really want to be with. 

"who do you want to be with roki?" Midoriya finally spoke up.

 I sighed. "momo". his eyes grew wide 

"as in our band manager momo? I gave him a dirty look "what other momo is there?" I replied with a slight attitude 

Y/n's pov:

I had Just woken up and walked out my room in the Todoroki estate I stayed the night to help Fuyumi with the household cleaning since she was swamped from work all day and looked exhausted. her and Natsuo were the only one's to treat me nicely in the family so I would do anything for them. as walked towards the bathroom I heard Endeavor call my name "Y/n get dressed you will be going to Shoto's school to visit him for his stupid band rehearsal" my eyes grew wide "he requested I come?" I said shocked 

"no your going to surprise him with dinner since he's refusing to come home on time" I sighed. as I began to walk away he spoke up again "I also enrolled you to that same school so you guys can grow more adapted to each others company" I said thanks and went into the bathroom to wash up and get ready to leave. his rehearsal starts at 7 so I should have enough time to go the store get food and come back to make while still being on time. 

*Timeskip* 7:15pm 

I finally arrived at the school. I made him homemade soba what fuyumi said was his favorite. I walked through the halls I was very lost, I finally heard the sound of music coming threw one of the doors so I walked in assuming Shoto would be on the other side instead I was met with a whole other group of people I was not expecting "oh! I'm so sorry I- I was looking for Shoto Todoroki?" It was so obvious I was nervous and lost. a red spiky haired boy spoke up "hey it's ok I'm Kirishima" "I'm Y/n" I replied 

a pink haired girl walked in "oh? hi I'm Mina I'm the manager! kiri here is our guitarist, The angry blonde is our lead singer and base guitarist, sero is on keyboard and last but not least Kaminari is our drummer!" I giggled a bit but then I noticed the angry blonde starring at me. Kirishima spoke up grabbing The manager's shoulder "Mina sweetheart the poor girl is lost" she perked up "oh! I'm so sorry who are you looking for?" I half smiled and said " Shoto Todoroki" she smiled and jumped towards me I truly have no idea how a person could be so happy but good for her "He's two doors down on the left you can't miss it just listen for the losing band" she laughed I giggled a bit but you know trying to be a supportive fiance here.

I thanked everyone and wished them good luck as I left. two doors down I walk in to see a girl hugging on my fiance I just stood there holding the container of soba looking like a dumbass. he finally took the time to look towards the door where I was still standing. the girl spoke up "oh hi" he cut her off "what the fuck Y/n" he seriously did not just what the fuck me? as if I'm the one head first in some girls tits but OK. she spoke up again as he walked towards me "who's this sho?" so she gets to call him by his first name but I don't lovely. he looked at her nervous "my sisters friend" WOW this visit just keeps getting better. he grabs my wrist and drags me out the door and into the hall shutting the door behind him. 

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING JUST SHOWING UP HERE WITHOUT EVEN TEXTING ME TO TELL ME YOU WERE COMING" I barely even reacted this wasn't the first he's yelled at me for visiting him 

"sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your little date with your girlfriend but your father requested I bring you dinner" His face got red I could tell my bland tone pissed him off since I was normally chirpy around him but now that I know he has a girlfriend I see no point in attempting to try to make this work. 

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND" he yelled again 

"sure" I said blandly 

"SHE'S NOT" that's when the group I walked in on came out there room as well as Todoroki's group but neither of us noticed due to how fumed we were getting

"LISTEN I DON"T WANT THIS EITHER BUT GUESS WHAT WERE STUCK WERE ENGAGED UNTIL YOUR FATHER DECIDES I'M NOT THE WIFE FOR YOU WE GOT TO MAKE THIS WORK WHICH I'VE BEEN TRYING TO DO FOR 3 FUCKING MONTHS BUT NOTHING IS ENOUGH FOR YOU AND NOW YOUR FATHER HAS ENROLLED ME TO THIS SCHOOL JUST TO FORCE YOU TO LIKE ME BUT I FIND OUT YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND INSTEAD OF SIMPLY BRINGING MY STUPID FUCKING FIANCE DINNER... I'm done todoroki. or as SHE would call you Shoto, since there's something about her that makes you want to tell her about yourself. *i opened the container and threw it towards him* here's your FAVORITE FOOD which I had to ask your sister because YOU CAN'T STAND ME FOR NO DAMN REASON." he was silent his shoes covered in soba he finally spoke up 


I started to walk away "fuck you Shoto Todoroki. I gave you everything I had. I quit.

he was in shock "you can't he'll take me out of school, away from the band, my friends and...."  he paused.

"and your girlfriend? Don't worry I won't be home tonight." and with that I left the whole room was silent.

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