Chapter 5

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Bakugo's pov:

the bell rang for school to be over and we all started to pack our stuff to leave. I normally would just leave for practice but something in me told me to stay back for a second. I turn to where Y/n sit to see her mindlessly packing her supplies as that icy hot bastard started to walk towards her

'oh hell no' I thought to myself as I recalled the events of last night. I started to walk towards her just a little faster then him she looks up at me, her (e/c) sparkling in the light

"oh hey um Bakugo right" I was surprised she knew my name but it just didn't feel right when she said it "uh yeah"

"what's u-" before she could finish she was interrupted by that icy hot bastard

"y/n can we talk for a moment it'll only take a minute since I have practice" I gave him a dirty look I looked at her and she looked like she didn't know what to say or how to say it either way I wasn't going to let him near her at least not alone.

"She can't she has plans with me and the idiots." I said sternly so he knew to leave I didn't yell because I was very close to her and didn't want to scare her.

he tried to say something but Y/n spoke up first "he's not lying if that's what your thinking I'm going to their band practice and I'm already running late" she grabbed my arm and her back and started to pull me towards the door I didn't protest but no ones ever been this bold with me.

right as we were about to exit Icyhot spoke up "can you at least come home tonight.. please"

she stopped for a second. "meet me at the front gate after practice you have 5 minutes." she sighed then started to pull me again

"so what's the deal with you and that ice bitch anyways?" I hoped she would reply truthfully

"It's a long story.." she looked down at the floor but kept walking

"I got time." I stopped as I said that stopping her to since she was pulling my arm still. she looked back at me and giggled

"we don't though because we're going to YOUR band practice" I got so caught up I had forgot about that.

"I knew that"

"maybe we can meet up one day and i'll tell you once were closer it's a lot" did she just invite me out?! what the fuck. she looked up at me

"hey this is the room right?" I nodded as she opened the door. alien eyes immediately noticed us and ran up to Y/n

"OMGG YOUR HEREEE I'M SO EXCITED I FINALLY HAVE A GIRLFRIENDD IN THE BAND DO YOU WANNA CO-MANAGE WITH ME!!!! PLEASEEE" she was jumping and yelling. kirishima walked in behind us "babe please calm down it's her first day" she stopped jumping

"oh right sorry" tch feels like those two have been dating forever. practice went pretty much average were doing a lot better which is good dunce face just can't keep up with my tempo that moron. I barely could pay attention though I kept looking over at Y/n her smile just lit up the room

tch what the fuck am I talking about. could shitty hair be right? that I like that girl?!

practice ended and I saw y/n grab out her phone and look at the time she looked at me and smile almost nervously "I gotta go guys thank you so much for today" mina shot up as Y/n grabbed her bag

"WAIT! do you wanna hang out this weekend we could go to the arcade or sero's house" she smiled again god why do I find that so fascinating "I would love too! I gave Sero my number during class so just let me know when and where!" she said bye to everyone and left while we packed up. I should follow her. WAIT no that's insane why would I do that! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING TO ME!!!

Y/n's pov:
I was kind of nervous to go talk to Todoroki I honestly wanted to know what he was going to say but at the same time I was nervous he'd bring his father into this. I got to the front gate and grabbed out my phone to text Dabi it would take him about 10 - 15 minutes to get here so I'd have plenty of time to talk to Todoroki.
                 Hey can you come get me from school?:y/n

Dabi: yeah I should be there in 20.

I looked up from my phone to see Todoroki walking up to me
"So what did you need to talk about" I asked as I put my phone in my pocket
He looked up from his train of thought "I'm sorry y/n" I looked at him almost angry "that's it's? Just 'im sorry' not 'I'm sorry I'm such a piece of shit who publicly embarrassed you, lied to you and then screamed at you for simply trying to make me happy' " he looked at me shocked that i snapped at him
"Where are you staying?" I was pissed at this point
"THAT IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN...if this is all you have to say to me then you should use my absence as a chance to figure out how to tell your father" I said as bland and stern as possible
"You can't possibly think it's over between us y/n!" He said sounding desperate. At this point I started to break down
"Was there ever an US Todoroki? Because it certainly on my end felt lonely as hell I waited around for you every fucking day for you to come home just to receive attitude from you in return to my cheerful welcoming self!" I started to sob towards the end. There was a silence between us he just stood there in shock starting at me. I wiped my tears and looked back at him "this 'relationship' if you could even call it that was one sided and as of yesterday I don't know who you are but all I saw last night was your father in your eyes. Goodbye todoroki" I had enough I rewiped my face and started to walk away towards the familiar all black car with tinted windows I saw pull in. Todoroki watched as I got in the car. I saw a single tear come down his cheek as I got in and slammed the door.
Dabi looked at me worried
"You ok kid?"
I smiled "yeah I just really wanna go home"
He started to drive away.
Home something I really never knew. Not with my parents and not with the todorokis i was hoping with Dabi and shiggy I would finally feel at home.

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