rose part 2

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" you can't go out there it's not safe "said rose angrily ad she also went out of the Tardis

Nighttime on the north back of the Thames next to the RAF monument the doctor, rose ,bell and team Rwby existed the Tardis

"I lost the signal ,I got so close " said the doctor as he crossed his arms and leaned against the Tardis

" you could say that the signal deserved a reception" said bell and yang as the made a joke she looked at bell smiled that he could make jokes she winked at bell and he blushed a little bit yang chucked lightly at bell blushing she was going to make him his sure she would share him with other's but she's his main girl

"We've moved does it fly "asked rose

"It disappear and reappears you wouldn't understand " said the doctor

"If where somewhere else ,what about the headless thing is it still on the loose?" Asked rose

"I think the headless........whatever it was I think it melted with the head I think "said ruby as she came up with a theory 

"where all still new to this just like you so we don't know much " said ruby

"Red riding hood is right so are you going to Witter here all night " said the doctor as he looked at rose bell smiled and gave ruby a head pat

" good job cookie monster no wonder you where choose as team leader" said bell as he praised ruby who smiled and blushed

" I'll have to tell his mother ,mickey I'll have to tell his mother he's dead and you just forgot him ,again! You right you are alien " said rose

" look if I did forget some kid called mickey..........

Bell and team Rwby just looked at the arguing duo bell just sighed and rubbed his head

"This is the doctor and roses first fight and when the doctor's stressed he kinda insults spices sorry about this guy's " said bell as he looked down till he felt a hand on his shoulder it was Blake as she smiled a little bit at bell and tried to make him feel better

" the one with the big ears is the doctor right " said Blake bell just knotted 

" you knew them the same time you knew us is that normal for you " asked Blake as she looked at bell questionable

" no I still don't know what happened all I know is that I was trying to figure out what to watch and I made a comment about how I wanted to save you guys from your fate then the portal opened up and you know the rest." said bell

" ok then who came through the portals and how far your knowledge goes "said Weiss as she wanted to know who was going on this journey with her

"I don't know every one that came through the portals but I can give you four names winter, kail, Glynda and coco as for how far knowledge goes for you volume 8 as for him when he's and old man again said bell as he hate keeping secrets from them yang walked up to bell and gave him a hug which kinda made him blush a little

" hey it's ok you got your secrets but your going to tell use when your ready right " said yang as her lilac eyes meet his crimson eyes he just smiled at her and knotted

"What's a police public call box "asked rose

"It's a telephone box from the 1950s it's a disguise "said the doctor as he leaned against the Tardis

"OK and this ,this living plastic what's it got against us" said rose

"Nothing, it loves you .you've got such a good planet. Lots of smoke and oil. Plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air perfect. Just what the nestene consciousness needs .it's food stock was destroyed in the war .all it's portien, plants rotted away so earth it's dinner !said the doctor

" so space man how are we going to stop them do you have a plan space man " said yang bell laughed a little at yang's nickname for the doctor she heard this and smiled
The doctor holds a tube of blue liquid

"Anti plastic " said the doctor

"Anti plastic?" Asked rose

"Anti plastic but first I've got to find it how can you hide something that big in a city this small "asked the doctor

"Hide what exactly?"  Asked Weiss "this city is huge we could help you find it " said Weiss

"So what are we looking for " said ruby

" girls he's looking for a transmitter " said bell" basically an equivalent to a Wi-Fi signal " said bell

"The consciousness is controlling every piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal " said the doctor as he was trying to find the most obvious thing

" what dose this transmitter look like we don't know this city !said yang as she was getting a little mad her semblance was about to go off till someone put a hand on her shoulder and she turned around to see bell who smiled at her oddly enough the smiled calmed her down

"Like a transmitter, round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London " said the doctor as he began explaining what the transmitter looked like "a huge circular metal structure like a dish like a wheel. Radial .close to where we're standing. Must be completely invisible "said the doctor

" it's not invisible where Looking at right now " said Blake as she deadpand looking at the London eye the doctor turns around then back to us


 what what" said the doctor as he turned back to the eye then back to us 

" what ,what ,what "said the doctor

" round and massive slap bang in the middle of London " said yang as she repeated the doctor's words " and what is this thing called " asked yang

" it's the London eye it's one of the biggest Ferris wheels in the world so far " said bell and began thinking if one of team Rwby would ride it with him but he completely shook his head at the thought

"Oh fantastic! " Said the doctor as he smiled happily as he and rose ran to the London eye bell was getting excited

" oh I always love this part of the adventure the running come on let's run after them and catch up " said bell as he was about to run after them but yang grabbed his hand and he looked at her he was a blushing mess because yang was holding his hand

" while there's no time to wait come on tiger let's case after them " yang said as she smiled bell just smiled to

" your the boss " said bell as he gripped her hand

"Now you know the rules come on tiger ." Said yang as the gang ran after the doctor and rose

the doctor ,remnant, date a live  , anime and the fanboy series 1Where stories live. Discover now