rose final

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A door slide open to reveal the Tardis

"No oh no, honestly  no yes that's my ship that's not true I should know, I was there I fought in the war, it wasn't my fault I couldn't save your world I couldn't save any of them " said the doctor angrily

"What's it doing " said rose as she was about to panic

" it's the Tardis! the nestene identified it's superior technology. It's terrified it's going into the final phase ,it's starting the invasion! Get out rose ,bell just leg it now !yelled the doctor As the plastic in the vat kept roaring

"Not happening space man !" Yelled bell as that was happening rose decided to phone her mom

"Mum ." said rose

Meanwhile outside the factory

"Oh there you are I was just about to phone you ,you can get compensation I said so I've got the document thing off the police, don't thank me " said Jackie


" where are you mum" asked rose


" I'm in town " said Jackie


"No go home !just go home " said rose as she was getting worried sick about her mother


" darling your breaking up ,listen I'm just going to a bit of late night shopping, I'll see you later ta-ta" said Jackie as she hung up


" Mum! Mum ! Screamed rose she was scared that here mom wouldn't make it till she felt a hand on her shoulder it was bell's he just smiled at her as if to tell her it's going to be ok

Outside of the factory

Jackie walks out of the queens arcade which contains the underground station entrance The consciousness starts throwing energy bolts around

"It's the activation signal, it's transmitting! Screamed the doctor

The eyes light up with energy

" it's the end of the world " said rose

" hey it's ok guys I'm sure team Rwby , team jnpr and Glynda goodwitch can hold of the autons till we figure out a plan ."said bell


" there's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend summer money in winter mouths "said Clive

A shop dummy started to move

"Oh my God! I thought they were dummies, I nearly had a heart attack " said Caroline as she got excited everyone stops to stare at the dummies then they smash through the windows as Jackie is coming down the escalator

"It's true everything i read ,all the stories, it's all true "said Clive as an autons walked in front of him dropped his fingers and shot him


The plastic in the vat was getting angry

"Get out ,rose and bell just run! Yelled the doctor

"The stairs have gone " said rose as the autons tried to push the doctor into the vat while rose , mickey and bell ran to the Tardis

" come on Tardis! Said bell as her tried to open the door but it was locked " fucking shit " said bell

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