the end of the world finale

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" you heard right bell " said jabe as she smiled at the young man

" excuse me " said the doctor as he scans the panel marked welcome to platform one, guide of platform one do you need access

A key labelled maintenance log in , then access denied

"And what about your ancestry doctor?, perhaps you could tell a story or two perhaps a man only enjoys trouble when there's nothing else left, I scanned you earlier the metal machine had trouble identifying your spices, it refused to believe your existence, and even when it named you I wouldn't believe it , but I was right I know where you're from ,forgive me for intruding buts it's remarkable that you even exist, I just wanted to say I'm sorry " said jabe as she put her arm on the doctor as a tear drops from his eye as he gets the door opened

" Bell what was jabe talking about " said Glynda but when she saw bell it looked like he was about to cry

" she's talking about the time war the last great time war a war so horrible it makes your great war and the Grimm war look like small battles ." Said bell as he broke down and cried Glynda grabbed bell and gave him a hug to clam him down

Engine room

It runs the whole depth of platform one the doctor, bell, Glynda and jabe enter the room to see a gigantic cat walk that runs through a series of fans

" is it me or is it a bit nippy? " asked the doctor

"It's hot in here doctor " said bell as took off his jacket and tied it around his waist " I'm Glynda ruby and Weiss ain't hear those combat skirts look like there to hot " said bell

" I can agree with you on that bell " said Glynda


Rose was walking down the hall way trying to figure out what bell was he looked human maybe he doesn't know he's alien but as she tried to come up with more theories she was dragged away by the adherents dragged rose to a room

Engine room

" fair dos ,though, that's a great bit of air conditioning, sort of nice and old fashioned bet they call it retro " said the doctor as he scanned the panel "gotcha " he pulls it off and a spider scutters out and up the wall "what the hell was that " said the doctor

" it was a metal spider I might need a few " said bell

"Is it of the retro " said jabe

"I don't think so hold on " said the doctor as he aims the sonic screwdriver at the spider then jabe lassoes it " hey nice liana " said the doctor

" where not supposed to show it in public " said jabe

" don't worry we won't tell anybody now then ,who's bringing their pet's on board " said the doctor

" spoilers " said bell [authors note this will not be a running joke nor will be in a sing song voice when saying that ]

"What does it do " said jabe

" it's sabotage kinda like what's going to happen at the vytal festival " said bell Glynda over heard she knew bell had to explain himself to nor only her but Ozpin to

"Earth death in ten minutes " said the computer

" and the temperature is about to rocket, come one "said the doctor as him ,jabe ,bell and Glynda goodwitch all ran to the main deck


" The year five billion may not have been the best idea bell " said Glynda

" I know I'm sorry I forgot about this episode it's hard to remember when the only thing to remember it the time war and the doctor and rose going on a date "said bell

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