rose part 3

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The doctor, rose ,team Rwby and bell where running across westmister Bridge

"Think of the plastic all over the world ,every artificial thing waiting to come to life ,the shop window dummies, the phones , the wires ,the cables........" said the doctor

" the breast implants " said rose

"While yang doesn't have that problem she's naturally " said bell as he blushed a little bit knowing that information and yang started At bell as how he knew that information

" how do you " asked Blake as she was about to ask bell but bell interpret her

" her mom she most of everything from raven except for her moral compass yang will do what's right raven when ever saves her skin" said bell

"Have you tried buttoning up your shirt " said the doctor as he got back to the matter at hand

" hey I like this outfit it's my second favorite out of her outfit "said bell as yang wrapped her arm around him and pushed his head against her breast making him blush

" that's nice of you tiger after " this I'll give you reward " said yang as she got close to his ear and blew into making him shiver

" still we found the transmitter, the consciousness must be somewhere underneath "said the doctor

"What about down here ?said rose as she looks over the parapet and sees a large man hole entrance at the bottom of some steps

" looks good to me " said the doctor as bell tossed his phone to yang who caught it with ease "what you doing "said the doctor bell just smiled at him

" being a hero of justice ruby the mannequins are going to start havoc and chaos soon around London basically plastic that comes to life I want you ,Weiss , Blake, and yang to defend them when the start killing innocent people , can you summarize what I said I trust you guys " said bell as he looked them in the eyes

"You don't want people to get hurt and you want us to save them , I don't know this older version of a scroll looks frail " said ruby as she looked at the phone 

" are you sure we should call you with this " asked ruby

" yes I have faith in you oh try to keep your semblance down to a low don't want the government to get a hold of you " said bell as he was about to go down the hatch yang stopped him

" you better come back to me tiger " said yang

" I will sun dragon good luck ." said bell as he followed the doctor and rose

" I can't believe where helping people with thing's that aren't Grimm " said Weiss as she followed her team and the doctor opens the hatch " why do I even try " said Weiss

"Alloysen " said bell as the red light turned on in the hatch

NESTING chamber

We climbed down the leader to a brick built area from there we go through a door ,down some steps to a mutil - level chamber

"The nestene consciousness. That's it .in a vat a living plastic creature " said the doctor

" looks different from last time ,last time your friend tried to use them" said bell

"Well then .tip your anti plastic and let's go" said rose bell just sighed

" the doctor doesn't kill he has to give a chance first and hopefully chances it's mind my memory isn't what it used to be " said bell

The doctor goes down to a cat walk overlooking the seething vat

"I seek an audience with the nestene consciousness under peaceful contract under convention 15 of the shadow proclamation. " said the doctor the creature flexes 

" thank you if I might have permission to approach " asked the doctor rose then sees someone on the lower level then runs down to them

" oh my God I it's mickey, it's ok ! It's ,ok it's all right " said rose as she tries to comfort her boyfriend

" that thing down there ,the liquid, rose it can talk " said mickey as he was terrified

" your stinking doctor they kept alive " said rose

"Yeah that was always a possibility keep alive to maintain the copy " said the doctor

"You knew that and you never said " said rose angrily

" can we keep the domestics outside thank you ? Said the doctor as he counted downstairs "am I addressing the nestene consciousness ? Thank you if I might observe your infiltrate this civilization by warp stunt technology . So may suggest with the greatest respect that you shunt off! Said the doctor

"Rose phone " said bell as he turned to the blonde who looked at him confused 

 "phone please" said bell as she tossed bell the phone

" what for " said rose then bell immediately called yang

" hey sun dragon " said bell

" where outside of an arcade what do you need tiger " said yang

" just come back to where me and the others are at I'm not doubting you guys it's just I've got a feeling that someone else can take care of the autons " said bell

" make up your mind already where on our way. " said Weiss as she ended the call bell gave the phone back to rose

"You had to make a call ,to your new friends and bring them here but why " asked rose

" yep I had to call them plus as to why bring them here call it a gut feeling " said bell

In the middle of London a portal opened and four teenagers and a teacher walked out the portal

" um miss goodwitch do you know why where here " asked jaune

" while mister arc I'm sure where for an important reason I'm just not sure what " said Glynda as she adjusted her glasses

" miss goodwitch I think I see team Rwby " said Pyrrha as she was trying to see if she was right

" are you positive miss Nikos " said Glynda

"Positive should we ask them what's going on " said Pyrrha

" I think we should go check miss Goodwitch they may need our help with something "said jaune

" alright let's go see if we can help them " said Glynda

" right let's go team jnpr " said jaune as his team cheered Glynda just sighed

"Kids. "said Glynda goodwitch

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