That night, Chad and Brer Rabbit lay asleep by the Slippin' Falls.
They heard a strange noise and thought it was Brer Bear.
"Oh, Brer Bear, you're snoring again" Chad moaned.
"Yeah. Knock it off or I'll use yo club" Brer Rabbit threatened.
"Hey! I was barely asleep" said Brer Bear.
"What's all that noise then?" said Chad.
Jeremy and Burt heard the noise too and joined Brer Rabbit and Chad for a search.
They moved towards the front of the mountain and there was Patty, wearing goggles and using a chainsaw to carve a picture of Splash Mountain into a tree trunk.
"Okay, diss is weird, even fo Sis Patty" said Brer Rabbit.
"Yep. Unless one of the seven stages of grief is late-night woodworking" said Burt.
Jeremy tapped Patty's shoulder and she turned off the chainsaw to face her friends.
"Patty! What in heaven's name are you doing?" said Jeremy.
"Duh! Carving Splash Mountain for Splash Weekend. What? Was I supposed to wait till morning like a chump?" said Patty taking off her goggles.
"Yep!" said Brer Rabbit.
"Patty, are you sure you're alright?" said Jeremy.
"Yeah, swell! Never better; why?" said Patty.
"Well, ever since Hal died, you've had more energy than usual" said Chad.
"You know, it's okay to be sad about Hal" said Burt.
"Sis Patty, we's hee-ah for ya if ya wanna talk 'bout 'im" said Brer Rabbit.
"I don't wanna talk about him, Brer Rabbit! He's gone. And I didn't get to say goodbye" said Patty sitting on a stump.
Jeremy sat down next to her. "Oh, Patty. He knows how much you loved him."
Patty softened and faced her man. "I really did."
Jeremy gave Patty a hug. "Oh, there now," he whispered.
Patty let go after a few seconds, her eyes welling up with tears. "Y'know... when Hal would give me a hug... he'd bury his nose in my neck and slobber all over my dress. He was my big cuddly drool faucet."
Then she buried her face and Jeremy's shoulder and cried her eyes out.
"And you're mine, Patty" said Jeremy awkwardly.
Then he softened and hugged her back. "There there. Let it all out, darling."
After he said that, Patty blew her nose on Jeremy's shirt.
"Maybe she shoulda kept some o' dat in" said Brer Rabbit.