Chapter 6

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"-And I was like, 'psh, nah, no way!' Aikawa doesn't deserve someone like me," Mizuki's voice echoed down the dim hall as she proudly boasted about her story, her flashlight going all over the place as she waved it around.

"Let me get this straight. So you went and rejected him..." Jack trailed off before rubbing his face and sighing, keeping his light pointed ahead since Mizuki wasn't. He also shone it into the dark rooms they would occasionally pass through in case something was inside, "In front of the whole volleyball team?"

"Uhm, yeah? What was I supposed to do?" Mizuki asked, rolling her eyes as she finally stopped waving the torch and prompted on flickering it on and off instead.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe reject him in private? And could you stop playing with that thing?" Jack tried to reach for Mizuki's flashlight, but she successfully moved it away from him and blew a raspberry.

"Nuh uh~" Mizuki giggled, smirking smugly as she walked backward to look at Jack, "And it's his fault he decided to drag those losers with him! Who cares if he's the captain or whatever? I'd rather die before accepting his confession. Besides, I'm too fabulous for everyone."

"You're gonna give me a headache. I swear to God," Jack pinched the bridge of his nose. Mizuki's constant blabbering since they entered was starting to get to him, considering that he'd been the only one the redhead had been talking to the whole time. "Any other girl would kill to be in your place, y'know?"

"Aw, what a shame," Mizuki feigned disappointment and shook her head while shrugging, "Unfortunately, I'm not other girls. I'm me!"

Jack, while looking at Mizuki's smug form from the corner of his eyes, said, "I still think you could've handled that better, though. Couldn't you have at least listened to the guy?"

"Why should I?" Mizuki scoffed, her tone turning serious, "I'm not interested in that idiot, even if he's popular as fuck. What's popularity for if I don't properly like him? Isn't the whole point of being in a relationship loving people for who they really are? I haven't even talked to him before, dude. It would be unfair for both of us."

Jack raised an eyebrow, surprised by her answer, "Y'know, you can say some pretty smart stuff once in a blue moon. That took me off-guard."

"What? Ya expected me to feed off of his popularity or some shit?" Mizuki deadpanned.

"Partially, yes," a smile tugged at Jack's lips, "But it's good to know you're not too much of an idiot. Also, watch your language."

Mizuki clicked her tongue and crossed her arms with a frown as she walked, accidentally pointing the flashlight at Jack's face, "Wow. Thanks for thinking so highly of me, asshole."

"You're welcome," Jack covered his eyes from Mizuki's light, snorting as he saw the irritated look on Mizuki's face.

While Jack and Mizuki had been going on and on for the past half an hour about the latter's love life situation, Y/n was silently observing everything and anything inside this place. Thankfully, neither of them had bothered to drag him into their conversation so he could focus on doing so.

Y/n expected both his friends to stay as alert as he was, but after half an hour, Jack looked like he had started getting comfortable being inside this place. Actually, Mizuki seemed like she was never concerned about diving head first here, considering how carefree she was acting.

He, on the other hand, was probably experiencing the most stressful 30 minutes of his entire life. Since he was the only one who could see those spirits, he felt compelled to stay as vigilant as possible. Although, his friends should have tried being on guard, even if they couldn't see them as well. Plenty of stuff could still hurt them, like wild animals.

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