Chapter 1

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I killed one of my comrades one year ago.

That was the only thing that mattered to everyone. Not Hailey's death just minutes before, not the circumstances I explained after - just that.

They called disciplinary proceedings for everything that happened after that day. I was kicked out of my Unit and sent on missions alone or with another unit. But the missions could not last longer than three days. Too high was the risk that I could have issues with the other soldiers and that the story would repeat itself. At least that's what they said. Not to mention, that was complete bullshit.

I had a stamp on my forehead for everyone to see. Like right now, too. My new Unit for the next mission would be Task Force 141, under the command of Captain John Price. I've never heard of them. I had other things to deal with in my life. But I could bet that they already know about me.The looks, the distant and cold few words, mostly shouted as commands over the field. It would be here like any other unit.

Like today, I sometimes ask myself why I didn't quit. I had made enough money. I could live from it for a few years before I had to search for a job. Then, I always remember what Hailey said to me. What her last words before her death were. "Continue for us. "So I did.Train twice as much, kill twice as much, stand my fucking ground twice as much. For her - and me. I promised myself that. I wouldn't stop.

So I walked through the facility doors, feeling the first few gazes on me. Cold, like shivers down my spine. I ignored it. Walking on, I looked through the different floors until I found the office to which I needed to report myself. I knocked on the door. "Come in. "A loud yet not unfriendly voice answered. That would change soon. Well, as soon as he would see my face.

I entered the office. "Seargent Breakpoint, reporting for the mission I was assigned to. "I said, staying still and not looking the Captain in the eyes. If I learned one thing over the past units, it was never to look a Captain in the eyes until he gave permission. As the memories flashed up for a second, the scars on my body felt slightly hot for a second.

"At ease, Seargent. About the mission, my Unit is already on its way. "Price said. I dared to look at him. "Captain? "I asked, confused. Did they just cut me off? Is my reputation already this bad that they head off without me? "This mission was just an excuse so that I could let you come here. Sit down. We have to talk. "

I followed his order within a moment of hesitation and sat down on the chair in front of his desk. "Captain, there is nothing to discuss if the mission is ongoing. I will make sure to leave this facility and cause no fights or problems with your soldiers. "I said calmly, using the words they make me say every time. Or, to be exact, the words Shepard made me say every time. "There's no need to leave the facility right now. "Price said.

Flashbacks caused me to tense up at the words from the Captain. I stood abruptly up. "I have orders from General Shepard. There is no mission or stepping into any other facility besides the ones he sent me to. "You said, firm but confused. "I know. But right now, a friend of mine is about to help withdraw this whole disciplinary proceeding. You will be part of this Unit. It's not temporary but constant. "

This must be another test. A joke. Clearly. "Captain, this conversation is over. I can't get transferred to a Unit. Not anymore. "I shook my head to underline my words. "Listen, I'm for real with this. I read your file and searched for every information I could get. All I need from you now is your perspective of what happened that night. I need confirmation. "Again, I shook my head. This time, I was disbelieving, and the fear of rewinding that night in my head haunted me.

"I can't. "I pressed out, looking down at the ground. "Good. Let me rephrase it. "The Captain said, standing up as well. He walked around his desk up to me. As he stood in front of me, he stopped. "Look at me, Breakpoint. That's an order. "His voice was suddenly harsh, and I looked up without thinking.

Following orders, that is what I was trained to do.For a moment, Price just looked into my eyes, his eyebrow narrowed. "Now tell me what had happened that night. "

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