Chapter 6

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"Breakpoint! "A loud bang on my door caused me to look up from the book in my hand. "Come in. "I answered with a raised eyebrow. Judging by the voice, it had to be Lieutenant Ghost. And I was right as he opened the door and entered my room.

Subconsciously, I tensed up. I was glad that Ghost left the door open. I didn't want to be alone with a man, not under any circumstances. Not again, hopefully never again. "You weren't at dinner." I waited a moment, and then you slowly nodded. "I'm not hungry," I said. "I don't care. Tomorrow, you'll be sparring against Colonel König. Like it or not, you need every bit of strength in your body for that." I just sat there looking at the Lieutenant.

Why would I need every bit of- oh. "You're talking about the guy I folded earlier today? A Sniperhood over his face, and at least 6'6?" I asked, leaning a bit forward and putting down the book on my lap. Before Ghost could answer, I leaned back and scoffed. "I don't care."

Ghost sighed, annoyed behind his mask, and turned around. Instead of walking out, he closed the door. I sat up with so much tension that my muscles nearly shivered. But I kept quiet. As he turned around, he walked a few steps towards me. My first instinct was to throw something at him. My book was the first choice. "Stay the fuck away from me!" I hissed at him the moment I threw my book after him. He just quickly caught it and laid it on the table beside him. He didn't even stop eye contact. "Listen to me, Breakpoint. Whatever you've been going through in the past, I don't give a damn." He took even a step closer. I swallowed.

"Colonel König was transferred here because of you. He will, except for the missions, be your partner. Being weak is one thing you can't allow to be if you're working with him. Do you understand?" I clenched my teeth. "Understood, Lieutenant," I answered quietly, lowering my gaze.

"Good. Now, get up and follow me to the cafeteria." His voice left no room for discussion. I got up when Ghost took a few steps back and followed him out of my room. We were quiet the entire way to the cafeteria, and I just walked behind him. As we entered the cafeteria, he stepped into the food distribution, and I did as he did. I still wasn't hungry and put salad and a Coke on my plate. "Pleased?" I asked him with sarcasm as I walked past him to a table where no one was sitting.

I should've brought my book with me. Quietly and while looking down on my plate, I sighed and poked sluggishly around in the food. The food didn't look bad, but I couldn't get myself to eat something. My thoughts were still in the book I had read. I would still be reading the book now if Ghost didn't interrupt me. I laid down the fork. This is going nowhere. I emptied the Coke with only a few swallows and stood up.

As I walked past the table of Ghost, Soap and Gaz, I looked at the door. "Sugar, you need to eat something." Soap's comment made my blood boil within seconds. My head turned to him while walking. "Shut up, dickhead!" I hissed. Not paying attention while walking, I ended up walking straight into somebody.

Hands grabbed my waist carefully. "Sugar? I thought your callsign was Breakpoint." An even deeper voice snickered. My head swung back, and I looked up at a significant Sniperhood—Colonel König. I opened my mouth, ready to say something that was most likely not lovely—but stopped right before I spoke. I remembered the words Ghost said to me just a few minutes ago.

Besides that, I felt again the warmth of his big hands on my waist and through my body. I felt it as much as looking into his blue eyes, referring them again to the ocean. How's that even possible? He has gloves on - and I have more than enough clothes on. And his eyes - are just some pair of eyes, for god's sake! "My callsign is Breakpoint. This Scottish Idiot here just has a death wish." I said, trying to be calm. Get yourself together, Autumn.

Again, the Colonel snickered, this time harshly. "Does he?" he asked, looking up at Soap. Within a moment, the whole cafeteria was filled with tension. The Colonel still didn't take his eyes off my waist but looked at Soap. The Scot seemed to shrink a bit and laughed nervously. "Not today," Ghost said, looking up from his food.

"Lieutenant Ghost." The Colonel's accent was thick - definitely German. "Seargent Breakpoint is my partner, as far as I'm concerned. I don't appreciate someone calling her names. Are we clear?" Did his grab just got tighter? Ghost's gaze looked from the Colonel to his hands on my waist and then to me. "As far as I'm concerned, nobody touches her either - besides the training."

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