Chapter 5

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My feet were still in the air.

An arm lays around my waist, holding me with the weights against someone's chest. For a moment, I was in shock. How is it even possible for the person to hold me like I weighed nothing? "Let go of me!" I hissed as I tensed up the exact next second. My arms were too weak from the training to push his arm away from me.

Panic started to fill up my lungs as the person finally, after what felt like hours, let me down slowly until my feet reached the ground. My heart was beating against my chest, and my sight blurred. As soon as I stood on the ground again, I turned in panic and anger around. Due to the weights on my waist, I nearly fell but caught myself before it could happen.

"What is your problem?" I asked. The anger in my voice was evident to hear before I swallowed. That man was huge. I had to look up to him, only to look at bright blue eyes through a Sniperhood. Another masked man. He had to be at least 6'6. "You fell." He had a deep voice with a thick accent. Maybe german?

"No shit Sherlock." I scoffed, taking another step back as a flashback formed in my head. I hectically unbonded the weights and dropped them next to me before I walked past the man who stood there and watched me. "Stay away from me!" Those were my last words before I left the hall.

König P.o.V.
As I watched the woman leave the hall in a rush, I couldn't hide the hint of a smile behind the Sniperhood I wore over my face.

Impulsive and proud. Or did I scare her? I narrowed my eyebrows. Not until she was out of my sight I stopped looking after her. I looked back at where I watched her. It was as if I could still see her bright green eyes before me. They reminded me of a deep forest with no escape. Nothing but darkness at first sight, but here and now, the sun's rays shine through the thick leaf canopy treetops. She could hold me forever in her grasp, and I wouldn't even dare to think of breaking out.

I had never seen her here. I would've remembered someone like her. She must be new. Of course, she's new. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been so disrespectful towards me. A Colonel stays a Colonel, even after transferring. Even if it looks more like she's got something more going on than pure hate or anger.

So who are you, kleine Maus? And what made you so angry?

O/C P.o.V.
I was breathing in, then breathing out. Over and over again while leaning my forehead against the cold door. In my whole life, I never was so intimidated but drawn to a man I didn't know. It was like I could still see his bright blue eyes before me. Like deep waves that would shatter over me if I got too close. Or like the ocean on a windless day, when I float underwater and look into this endless blue, feeling light and quiet.

It felt...wrong. I scoffed at my thoughts while leaning back. His touch didn't scare me away. His big hands didn't trigger the wish to push him away as far as possible and break them. I felt - conflicted with myself. My gaze went to the picture of Hailey and me. Then I shook my head. I said what I said, and I meant it. This man needed to stay away from me. I sighed. I looked down on me - time for a shower. And hopefully, it will also clear my head.

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