Self Possessed

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The scene opens up in a sports room as we see Rogue and Scott hitting a tennis ball off the wall, trying to see who would miss first and lose. Rogue bounces off the side of a wall and slams the tennis ball off the racket as Scott tries to hit it bur misses it and falls on the ground, also losing the match. 

Scott: Whoo! You whupped me good.

Rogue helps him up.

Rogue: Want a rematch tomorrow night?

Scott: Tomorrow? Oh, sorry that's the concert. 

Rogue: Oh, right. (Moves her hair out of her face) So, are you going with anyone?

Rogue was hoping for Scott to say yes but her dream was shattered when Scott said.

Scott: Yeah, uh, Jean. What about you?

Rogue: Nah. I'm not really a fan of the Descanso Rivets.

Scott then heads for the exit.

Scott: We'll play next week then?

Rogue: Sure. Next week.

Scott then leaves as Rogue closes the door behind him. Rogue then gets a flew flashes of Jeans memories as she groans before sitting down on the floor.

A limo can be seen pulling up on an empty street, inside the limo was the blind mutant Destiny. She opens her window for a cat to jump in. Once the cat was in the it shape shifts into Mystique. 

Mystique: I'm here. Now tell me, Destiny, what is so important?

Destiny: I've come to warn you, Mystique. I've had disturbing visions about Rogue.

Mystique: Explain.

Destiny: It's always been clear that she will somehow play a key role in our future. But now, it all grows dim.

Mystique was getting more worried by the second.

Mystique: Why?

Destiny: Because she may not live long enough to fulfill it.

We then see Rogue hit the tennis ball so hard with the racket that the ball explodes on impact with the wall. Rogue then gets flashes of Blob as she throws her tennis racket at the wall as it breaks a bit of the wall. She falls to her knees sweating as she then looks up at what she has done.

Later that day, in rogue's room

We see Rogue brushing her hair while looking in the mirror. She puts her hairbrush down when she gets another flash of Jean's memories, she rubs her head before looking at her hands and quickly putting them on.

She walks out of her room only to be met with Logan as she gasps.

Logan: Rogue.

Rogue: Logan. Is something wrong?

Logan: That's kind of what I was wondering.(Takes out her Tennis racket) This look familiar?

Rogue: Well...

Before she could finish Kitty comes by and grabs Rogue's hand and drags her with her.

Kitty:(Giggling) Come on, Jean's gonna give us a ride to school in her new SUV.

Rogue gives Logan a final wave as her and Kitty take a turn around a corner but Logan felt like something was up with Rogue.

In the garage

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