Chapter Twenty

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to those of you who still read this fic, sorry for my lack of updates.

20 | Billie Joe Armstrong

I grip onto her hair, feeling my thrusts quickening inside of her. She moans out my name, along with words I do not dare ask her to repeat. I force her head to the right, to get a good look at her pleading face. She's drooling. I smile. "Good girl." I tell her, she moans in response. I lean down for a second, to gently bite her neck. 

Another orgasm releases from her body.

I've lost count now. I'm guessing that would be her third, maybe fourth. I don't suppose she has much left inside her, but I'm willing to squeeze out as much as I can get. I keep pounding into her, she moans more. I feel her practically lose herself to the feeling only I can give her. She knows I'm not even close to finishing, but I don't suppose she knows much of anything right now. 

I pull out of her, she whines at the sudden emptiness. But I don't care. I flip over her body, I pull her closer to me by the ankles, and I thrust into her harder than ever before. She screams out, and I know I'll have to apologize to the neighbors later on. She scratches my back, which causes me to whimper out in pain. It's the good type of pain though. She knows that.

I grip her hands, pinning her back down onto the mattress. I fuck her deeply. I want her to feel this tomorrow. Hopefully even the next day after that. I make sure she feels every vein which decorates my hard member. She moans again, I take this opportunity to remove one of my hand's from her wrists, letting just one hand pin both of them. I use my now free hand to squeeze her breasts. They're small enough to fit in my hand, but big enough for me to grip onto.

Eventually, I finish inside of her. I wonder what she thinks of that. She doesn't seem to mind, but I've never asked her opinion on any contraceptive in the past. Is she on the pill? A selfish part of me hopes not. Every time I come inside her, that selfish part of me hopes she's pregnant. She isn't yet. But one of these days she will be. And I'll smile. 

I gently brush her face, caressing her cheek with my finger. I kiss her, possessively, as if someone could snatch her away from me. I'd never let that happen. She stands up, quickly making her way to the bathroom, her clothing in hand.

 The door closes, I am alone. I lay down on our bed, my arm stretched over my head. I take a deep sigh of relief, feeling relaxed. I try my hardest to keep my eyes open, I want to atleast cuddle with Ari before going to sleep. My eyelids feel heavy, so I sit up to prevent myself from fully falling asleep. 

I feel my hard-on start to slowly soften. It's uncomfortable, the cold air hitting my sensitive spot, but my underwear was thrown into the void previously. 

Over the last few days, since my half-brother's accident, Ari has been different. She doesn't talk much anymore. Her head seems to be far within the clouds. I wish I could kiss every worry she has away, but thats impossible. Rubbing my face, I groan. Her phone blares from her nightstand, and I take a look at her phone. Luckily, when she threw it towards the wall, the damage wasn't too irreplaceable. I was able to take it out the next morning to get fixed. A part of me wishes I didn't, because her and Fletcher have been texting non-stop. 

I know she's just paranoid. I know she's scared of losing someone else in her life. But, I wish she'd tell me what's going on with her. 

She opens the door to the bathroom, dressed in baggy pajamas. She's got the blank look on her face, the one she's had since the accident. Her body shuffles into her side of the bed. I get under the covers, wrapping my arms around her waist. I kiss her head, before nuzzling into her neck. I inhale her sweat scent. Strawberry. My favorite.

I sigh, unable to handle the blank silence for much longer, "Baby?" I kiss her neck. She doesn't respond. "Baby, please talk to me." She breathes quietly, still no response. I gently shake her body, incase she's fallen asleep. I ask her again. This time she breathes a heavy sigh. I stroke her hair, letting her know she's okay, that I'm here. Her being alone, mentally or literally, is a curse. A stain on the world.

 "When my dad died." she begins, I look over and see her eyes are closed, she's trying to relax. "Everything changed." She continues "My mother didn't have the healthiest relationship with him, but she was still affected. She would cry every night." I haven't seen too many photos of Aurora's mother, but I can still somehow see her. She's led in her bed, sobbing. Did she cry the night she left Aurora? Does she still weep for the loss of her husband? "I think...right now, I'm my mother." She pauses, taking a breath. I nod, even if she cannot see me. "Because, I didn't love Fletcher, we didn't have a good relationship, yet still affected by what has happened to him." I nod my head.

 "It's like history is repeating itself." I mutter, finishing her thought.

I kiss her head again, humming. I open my mouth, then I close it. What do I say to her? I want to offer some source of comfort, yet I don't know what she wants. I think she's completely rational to think the way she does. She's lived through this before, and now she's the prime target. "Baby, Fletcher is okay. I know it's been hard on you, but I promise, he'll be okay. Nothing like this will happen again." She probably doesn't believe me, but I try to convince her more anyways, "I promise, from now on, this will be it. He's learned from his mistake, and he won't be doing anything to get hurt again." I kiss her head one more time.

She sighs, sounding satisfied.

I know this isn't the end of her negative thoughts, but its a step in the right direction.

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