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It felt like a lifetime had passed by inside that small room.
Lucille continued to watch the camera footage anxiously, waiting to hear what exactly was in store for herself and for Adam. It was jarring to see him with Lawrence, knowing everything that had happened. Though Lucille tried her hardest, she couldn't seem to get her mind to stop racing. She had so many questions spiraling in her head.
The one she found herself coming back to was the same one anybody would probably be thinking: How the fuck do I get out of here? Every idea she came up with to possibly escape failed tremendously. The rope binding her wrists together didn't seem to budge when she tried to cut it loose. The door didn't want to open either, despite her tough efforts to break it open. She was sure that something was barricading it on the other side. Jigsaw wouldn't make it easy to survive.
As for Adam and Lawrence, their attempts to be set free were just as successful as Lucille's. Nobody wanted to admit that they were stuck where they were, but that seemed to be the situation. The woman watched as the two men struggled to break their chains. She could feel Adam's fear through the screen as he erratically tried to make sense of the situation he found himself in. He was yelling and shouting for help. It broke Lucille's heart knowing that there was nothing she could do to help him. But that wasn't going to stop her from at least trying.
"Do you have any idea how you got here?" Lucille heard Lawrence ask Adam.
"No." Adam replied. He was still attempting to get the chain off of his ankle, prying at it from any angle he possibly could.
"What's the last thing you remember?" Lawrence said.
"Nothing." Adam answered. "I went to bed in my shit-hole apartment, and woke up in an actual shit-hole. What about you? Huh?"
Lucille felt her breathing pause for a moment. She wasn't sure if Adam had already gone out that night to take more photos of Lawrence's whereabouts, but she had a suspicion that Adam probably knew regardless.
"Uh, there's not much to tell." Lawrence replied. He wasn't very good at lying. "I was on my way home from work and, uh, I don't remember anything else."
Lucille pressed her lips together and turned away from the TV. Now that her eyes were properly adjusted, and the screen was providing a light in the room, she could see her surroundings more clearly. Her brown eyes moved about the room, taking in any details she may have missed before. When she faced the wall to the left of the TV, something caught her eye. She stepped closer and leaned over to see exactly what it was.
She realized quickly that it was a photo of her and Adam. They were in an alleyway, Adam was holding up his camera while Lucille stood behind him. It was the night they were outside of Lawrence's apartment, waiting for him to come out so Adam could get his shots. Lucille felt her heart begin to pound in her chest. She was right, she did see someone take a photo of them that night. And not just anybody took the photo- it was fucking Jigsaw. He must have been planning this for days. Adam thought he was safe, but Jigsaw must have known the whole time. He was screwed from the beginning.