Minds alike

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*Location: Crystal Empire. A flash of light reveals a group of animals next to the village statue. Starlight steps up and gathers the groups attention.*

Starlight: Come on, I know the royal family and they'll be happy to help. This way.

*Starlight leads the group past the giant crystal statue of Spike toward the crystal castle. A short time later, Princess Cadance is talking to a guard but she soon sends him away in response to the massive doors of the throne room swinging open. Shining Armor walks in with two other guards behind him, and behind the guards walks in the group. Shining Armor walks up to his wife and the two cross necks before Cadance speaks up. Sunburst, who's off to the side taking care of Flurry Heart, pays attention once Flurry Heart hears her mother's voice.*

Cadance: Well, this is unexpected. I thought you were still on patrol?

Shining: I was, but something came up. Starlight?

*Sunbursts ears pop up upon hearing Shining Armors words. Starlight steps forward and explains.*

Starlight: Hello, princess Cadance. I'm sorry to come with bad news, but we need your help.

Cadance: We?

*Tails flies over the guards holding the group back.*

Tails: Uhm, hello your majesty. My name is Tails, and we're not from here...

Sunburst: W-well, that's pretty evident. I have an updated volume of creatures that live in Equestria and I don't remember seeing an entry about an anthropomorphic fox, or animals alike. Uhhh-nless you're from the out reaches where Tirek and Scorpan are from?

Starlight: Ah, no. They don't come from here. They come from another world, like the human world but not. Anyway, they need help.

Shining: And that would be with?

*Tails pulls out the Miles Electric from his backpack and presses a button which causes a projection of the seven chaos emeralds to shine from the green antennae and into the sky. All ponies in the room look up in awe.*

Tails: These are the chaos emeralds. Long story short, they're powerful. Very powerful. They could make planets or destroy planets, if all together, and that's a problem because they're here and the bad guy already has three of the seven. If Starlight is correct, there's one here. The blue.

Sunburst: That might be a problem. The empire is made of mostly blue crystals!

Starlight: And that's why we came to you. We need all unicorns on board. Using gem sensing with Dr. Hooves' reports of chaos energy, we can combine the understanding of chaos energy with our magic to find the emeralds.

Tails: Also, we have technology that can detect the emeralds, too.

Sunburst: Yes! Science for the win! Uhm, anyway, what do we do?

*Meanwhile; Location: Cloudsdale. A pop of light reveals group #2 standing just -outside of the cloud factory. Fluttershy tries gathering the groups attention, but the fear of managing a group gets to her. Fluttershy takes a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. Whisper notices this and nervously walks up to Fluttershy. Tangle sees this too and confidently walks up to Fluttershy and Whisper who both begin to practice breathing patterns, spurred on by each others nervousness. Tangle places a hand on both Whisper and Fluttershy's shoulders to reassures the two before speaking on Fluttershy's behalf.*

Tangle: Guys, listen up! Using these trackers that Tails handed out we can find the emeralds without the help of magic, the downside being we only have a limited stock so we'll have to share. One per... uhhh... three to four!

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