Alternate timeline: The Casual Savior

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[Note: This is just a repost]

Item #: SCP-5000

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-5000 is to be kept in a deactivated state within a standard storage unit located at Site-22. All files and intelligence retrieved from SCP-5000 are to be stored on a secure server, with backups available upon request from the Archival Department.

Description: SCP-5000 is a non-functional mechanical suit identified within its internal schematics as an 'Absolute Exclusion Harness' designed by the SCP Foundation. Although SCP-5000 is believed to have once possessed a number of anomalous functions intended to protect and benefit its occupant, damage inflicted to it in the past means that it is currently only capable of basic file storage. For a record of files contained within SCP-5000 upon recovery, see Archive 5000-1.

SCP-5000 first appeared in a flash of light within SCP-579's containment chamber at Site-62C on 12/04/2020, containing a corpse genetically identical to Foundation employee Pietro Wilson. Pietro Wilson is currently employed at Exclusionary Site-06, and mnestic therapy has confirmed he has no knowledge of SCP-5000 or memories concerning the events detailed within its archives.

Now there's a second one, same place of appearance, but with two more unidentified 'persons'. The second one is now identified as SCP-5000-2.

One being a red hair female, with a sniper rifle that's too heavy to be pick up by normal humans, and another being a white hair female, both are mechanically made by humans, cyborgs. The red hair one is known as 'Red Hood' while the white hair one is known as 'Snow White'. Apparently, they came from an alternate timeline from that flash of light. 'Snow White' is only one that survived, due to being protected by the other two.


My name is Pietro Wilson and... where I work got attack by the Raptures, apparently, I was fast enough to get one of these suits. They're called Absolute Exclusion Harness. Doesn't seem that bad. Now here I am, about to go and getting the suitcase. Cause the Foundation thinks that it's a good idea to let me doing that. I guess this is how the other me did it, I don't know. Not sure much about it.

The first Raptures Invasion, the Foundation has put every single MTFs out on the fight to stop this, but not all going really well. I heard about the Goddess squad, being the first squad that actually wins against the Raptures. Heh, people must have been very happy when that happens. Although before that, mankind was basically losing, and even the SCP Foundation runs on the risk of being exposed. I guess Goddesium somehow just exist here.


I've seen some weird shits going on here, even the fight of the Goddess squad. They really are magnificent, for a bunch of female cyborgs... Well that's how they are now. Reading through some of the files, we have Lilith the leader of the Goddess squad, which I wonder why they even have a Commander there.... I guess that just for some kind of safety or something else. Probably due to Nikkes have the capability to kill humans. Or just kept their sanity high.

I overheard their talking, about a new recruit Snow White. No, I didn't follow them all the way back to their base, I was there when they were on the battlefield. Well, happen to be there. I could've say hi or anything to them but I guess it's kinda hard for them to believe me about me having this piece of tech that can just, make whoever wears it invisible, more precisely, just couldn't recognize the wearer. Either way, they're quite the same if you think about it.

SCP Foundation And GOC: World of NIKKE (RE-REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now