'Does this perfect soul deserve to get betrayed?'

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Author's POV

On the same day, at the magical arena,

'Watch out Angel realm......I WILL steal that sword, no matter what!' Hyunjin thought as he smirked....

"Hyunjin?? Hey?? Hello?? I am talking to you, Hwang Hyunjin..." A deep but soothing voice snapped Hyunjin back to reality.

"Huh? Yeah?? Were you saying something??" He asked..

Lix chuckled.

"No......but you were looking like you were in a very deep thought or something........Everything's Ok?" He asked placing his hand on Hyunjin's shoulder..

"Y-Yeah.....Everything's fine.........I have to complete that task, somehow...." Hwang mumbled the last part which didn't go unnoticed by Felix...

"Which task??" He asked..

"OH! It's nothing!! Yeah!!! Absolutely......nothing!!" Hyunjin shouted in a panicked tone..

"Geez.....ok....ok.....Calm down....." Felix said nervously chuckling....

Hyunjin calmed down after a moment and then he saw Felix smiling looking at his friends....

"What happened?? Why are you smiling??" He asked....

"Oh, just see them all....." Lix pointed to all the couples present there....

Seungmin and Changbin chillaxing under a shady tree, where Min was telling his funny childhood stories to Bin...

Chan teaching Jeongin the topic of self-defence, which was maximum filled with flirty interactions....

And, Minho teaching Jisung, how to be a perfect swordsman, which was just for the sake of name.........Basically, it was full of Minho's obsession with Han's tiny waist and squishy cheeks...

"...............aren't they all just, you know, made for each other??" Lix concluded with stars filled in his eyes, which Hyunjin felt adorable...

He came closer, lowered his body till Lix's height and leaned forward, not keeping any space between their bodies as Felix's breath hitched with the sudden super-closeness...

Just ONE DAMN MOVE..........and...........it will be Felix's FIRST DAMN KISS..........

"Yeah.......They sure are made for each other......but.........what about.........US?" Hyunjin asked seductively.....his eyes roaming between Felix's eyes and lips....

"W-Wh-What ab-about U-Us??" Felix asked stuttering...

Hwang placed his one hand on Felix's cheek as he caressed it softly, making Lix blush harder....

"Well, we can me made-for-each-other couple too...." Hyunjin said in his ear, smirking as he pulled away with a wide smile, pretending, that what-just-happened, never happened....

Felix let go of his breath he was holding as he fiddled with his tiny hands...

"FELIX!!" A voice was heard....

It was Chan...

"Yes, hyung?" Felix asked, still not recovering from the 'moment' he had with his crush....

"Well, if you and Hyunjin are not busy doing anything, then could you please teach him the skill of archery??" Chan asked...

Felix snapped his head to Hwang, who was glaring at Chan....

"Of course, hyung! No worries!" Lix answered smiling..

"Thanks bro....Please guide him, cuz he literally SUCKS at archery...." Chan said with a dramatic expression...

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