I | You can't be serious.

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Lucifer was busy getting adjusted to his new home and even though he wasn't used to living with this many people, he made it work. Although for most of the time he's been there he's been locking himself in his room and tending to whatever little projects his silly mind would come up with. Aka making ducks, Like ALOT. His room was undoubtedly the largest in the hotel but he still felt cramped in there, though it wasn't the rooms fault it was the giant mounts out ducks that filled the room, along with other random things he made. It seemed the king had not yet grown out of his habitat whether he was depressed or not. And as per usual he was busy coming up with wacky ideas for his future mini projects when someone harshly knocked on his door.

Upon opening it he was greeted with the most recognizable but annoying smile he'd ever seen. "What do you want?" He scoffed rolling his eyes,"I have a message from our dearest charlie," Alastor said, "well you didn't have to burst my ear drums by knocking that hard, what were you trying to do? Break down my door?" Lucifer replied with an annoyed tone before clicking his teeth. "Well someone must have been too 'occupied' to have heard me knocking for over 10 minutes now." Alastor shot back quickly, His smile growing bigger as he peered through the king's half opened door, a snicker escaping as he did so. Lucifer noticing this immediately became embarrassed and defensive about his creations being laughed at. Groaning before looking back up at the demon a scowl on his face.

"So? You gonna talk or stand in my doorway looking creepy?" Lucifer said in a rude tone, making the demon literally eye twitch by nonetheless he cleared his voice and spoke, "Charlie would like us both to meet her downstairs." He said plainly, his radio filter surprisingly low to the point it could nearly be heard.
"And she just had to pick you huh" He said a bit quietly before closing his door and stepping out into the hallway. The radio demon felt his eye twitch and he smile ever so slightly drop at the comment.

(the tension is wild..🤭)

As the two made it down the stairs they were met with Charlie's endearing smile as she ran to the two and embraced them in a tight hug, "I'm so glad you guys made it here peacefully-! It's a start!" She said, the two gave a nervous chuckle. Lucifer happy to see his daughter immediately hugged her back and alastor softly petted her head. When she finally let go of the two she energetically encouraged them to have a seat on one of the sofas next them, her girlfriend vaggie sat on one of the handles with a soft sigh as they both listened for what she had to say. "Alright so..dad, al since dad moved into the hotel we've all noticed that you two have a...complicated relationship, and no offence to any of you guys but its sorta causing some trouble for the hotel." She said nervously smiling.

Alastor tilted his head slowly, "why whatever do you mean dear?" Alastor questioned,"Yea I have no idea what your talking about charlie-" "What Charlie is trying to say," Vaggie but in, "is that ever since lucifer moved in here you guys keep going toe to toe with each other, causing problems for what the hotel is trying to do and messing up the past activities we've tried doing." She finished backing up back beside Charlie. Alastor slowly nodded his head taking in the information.
"I see..."
"Well I don't, Charlie with all due respect you have no one to blame but him-" lucifer said in denial that he'd been at fault for anything. "Well last time I recall YOU were the one who filled my bath with rubber ducks." Alastor responded quickly. "Yea, because YOU replaced my alarm clock with one of your radio's-" Lucifer answered back, standing on the sofa to look alastor in the eye.

"Here they go again.." Charlie said her head falling to vaggie shoulders, whilst hands covered her face.

"Hi you two! do you see what were talking about now?" Vaggie exclaimed at the two, catching they're attention. The looked at each other and them sighed, a alastor regaining his composure and Lucifer sitting back down on the sofa, on the far end this time, with a frown on his face. "Well this has proven to be a problem...and what's your brilliant idea to deal with this, my dear?" Alastor asked blatantly uninterested. "I'm glad you asked because I actually do have a solution-! And I'm sure you and dad will Loveeeee it!" Charlie chirped happily. Alastor let out a irritated hum as Lucifer turned to listen to what Charlie had to say, though filled with excitement the girl found it hard to say anything at all and started hyperventilating. Vaggie sighed as she set Charlie down to sit and started explaining the plan herself. "So Charlie and I decided to send you guys away-" "Send me away-!? Charlie you can't be serious-" Lucifer panicked, "Not like that, if you'd let me finish, Charlie and I are sending you BOTH away to one of lucifer's theme park's to 'bond' with each other." She explained, even though she and Charlie were literally just trying to send them away they still needed a way to sugarcoat it.

"I'm am NOT spending a day with him-" lucifer argued, "its actually going to be a 2 weeks...you guys are staying at the one with the penthouse.." Charlie nervously added with a chuckle. "I beg your pardon?" Alastor immediately replied, his radio filter completely disappearing making his serious tone more prominent. "I rebuke this!" Lucifer shouted, Charlie nervously laughed looking at vaggie for assistance. "Guys calm down-" "just no, Charlie I love you but I am not agreeing to this-!" Lucifer exclaimed, "I must apologize my dear but that simply won't be happening." Alastor replied, as soon as his sentence finished the sound of a car beeping could be heard. "Wellll. ..Oh my gosh-!! Your ride is here-! Oopsies too late cant cancel now- I guess you guys HAVE to go- Right Vaggie??" Charlie sias quickly before pushing the two out side and into the limo hurriedly and slamming the door instantly.

"BYE GUYS HAVE FUNNNN-!" Charlie said as the limo sped off. "Phew .."

"What the fuck just happened?"


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