IX | Rockstar.

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"M-Maggie? What's wrong ? Is Charlie having any trouble?" The king asked in his messy state, even with his jumbled mind he still had his daughter as a top priority. "Well- yes? You'll see when you arrive just please Hurry !" Vaggie said panicked. "Its the middle of the night my king, I dont think it's possible to-" alastor, who was eavesdropping tried to Express his opinion but before he could finish a large golden portal appeared in front of the two. "Cmon' we gotta go." Lucifer said inching closer to the portal, pulling the demon along with him. Alastor still stunned at this followed suite, and when they were both in , the portal closed or opened back right in the middle of the hotel.

"D-dad-!? How did you get here so fast?" Charlie exclaimed as her father and alastor stood in front of them. "Charlie-! Is everything alright? Maggie called saying you had a problem what's wrong?" He immediately questioned as he ran up to his daughter. "Well uh...uhm, I guess I'll let you see for your self." She said nervously, Lucifer along with alastor quirked a brow at this, intrigued alastor himself Came closer to inspect the situation. Charlie then took a step back and there stood the first man in the lobby sofa , sitting with his legs on the table. "Sup fuckers."

Lucifer get his jaw go slack as it widened in disbelief. "Either I had too much to drink or Adam is sitting in our living area." Is all he said. "Yes well, I gusss we both had top much to drink since I'm witnessing the same spectacle." Alastor chimed in. "No dad, your not seeing things, this is adam- here ..in the hotel. " she confirmed, smiling nervously. "Oh, well did you need help getting him out or something? If so I'm happy-"

"No dad, hes staying..he said he wanted to give redemption a shot and I mean- who was I to say no right??" Charlie answered, "oh no no no no no no , Charlie when we said anyone is welcomed at the hotel we meant, anyone BUT him..frankly I didnt think I needed to add that because first of all , what the fuck are you doing here!?" Lucifer exclaimed, his horns protruding through his head and his voice slightly becoming louder. "Well, after your little psycho chick killed me I suddenly fell from the sky and uh landed in this shit hole." Adam vaguely explained, "and what gave you the brilliant idea to come here?" Alastor intervened, "I wanna go home, if your redemption shit really works then I wanna be the first to fuck out of here." He replied.

"Oh my- ugh, Charlie..could we talk ..about this-? I mean obviously your not serious on-" Lucifer said, turning to his daughter. "Look dad. I know you mean well but c'mon, the whole point of this place is to welcome everyone isnt it? It would be hypocritical to slam the door in his face." She tried to explain, Lucifer looked at how genuine his daughter sounded and decided that if she could do it, so could he. "I'm not on board with this, but ..I support you, and I trust that you can handle everything on your own, and even if you cant you know I'll always be there alright? Just please tell me you know what your doing." He said concerned as he held her hand. Dont worry dad, I can do this, and even if adam tris anything, I doubt he'll get very far with it. Just trust me dad.." she said undoubtedly determined, she was going to make this work.

,"I trust you , and I trust that you'll keep him at bay, for now though I'm gonna go to my room and we can discuss on this tomorrow, guess holiday ended earlier than we thought hm?" He chuckled as he slowly let go of her hand and started to walk off. "My king, I hope your aware that your still not In the right state of mind, let me accompany you to your quarters." Alastor surprising spoke, Lucifer quirked a brow st this since while was was still under influence he was quiet able to think straight. "What are you talking about I'm perfectly fi-"

"Alright my dear, have a splendid night." He swiftly said as he held the king arm in arm and practically dragged him up the stars till they were near they're room doors. "Ohk what is up with you? That was literally out of no where. " Lucifer finally spoke, understandably confused at the demons unusual behaviour. "My apologies my king, just wanted a word of you may." Alastor said as the two stopped in between both their rooms. "Go on.."

"Its about our sudden..inconvenience.., if you will"
He said, a certain irritated tone underneath. Lucifer fave a stare before realizing what he meant. "Oh..yea ahem well what about it..?" Lucifer said pretending he didnt know the exact reason. "Oh dont play dumb with me my king, we both know what I mean." Alastor said, seeing right through the kings facade. "Fine, but why does it matter? Charlie has it under control ." Lucifer said , "but does she? Please my king we both know your daughter, give it a day and this place will be like a circus without its ringleader." Alastor said rolling his eyes in annoyance. "But why do you care, I thought you found 'amusement' in this kind of stuff." Lucifer said blatantly. "Yes well, I dont quite enjoy it when I dont profit from it and him being here affects the hotels progress, and the hotel is my business which will be affected drastically if whatever landed themselves here causes a ruckus which knowing him and our residents, its bound to happen. " Alastor finished.

"So, what are you saying?" Lucifer asked , "we 'team up ' , you and I both have the same motive as of now, so why not just help each other out?" Alastor explained. "Hm..you do have a point..ohk, but no funny business got it?" "Wouldn't dream of it my king."

"Alright, now please let me go to bed, I'm really tired."

"As you wish my king, have a blessed night. " alastor said as he gave a small bow and headed to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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