V | Reflections.

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Lucifer groaned at the sound of his alarm clock quacking continuously. With one fell swoop he threw the poor thing across the room with a loud crash following not long after,  as he sat up and and rubbed his sweat drenched face he felt himself plopping back onto his bed. The king felt awful, he had a ongoing headache and he just felt like shit in general. He recalled the night before and felt goose bumps appear on his pale skin. The same reoccurring dream, permanent reminders of his falling, the looks he was given before being thrown into his own darkness. His head was filled with self loathing thoughts, his conscious bullying him for his immature and ignorant actions..his negligence that he gave to his daughter and how he was never really there for her up until now..

He tossed and turned in his large bed at night, luckily it was a spacious bed or he swore he would've fallen off at this point. At night everything was dead silent in his area and there was not a peep but his mind saying a million things at once, and not a soul to help his still very relevant depression. "I guess reconciling with you daughter wasnt the only issue that you had to solve huh,?.."  he thought as he let out a long sigh. He looked up at the clock over his head and saw that it was almost noon, he dragged his hand down his face as he sat at the edge of his bed, contemplating if he should get up or rot in his bed for the day. As he was about to plopp back onto his bed he felt his phone vibrate under his pillow, when he held it up to see what the cause was he say that it was Charlie face timing him. "Shit i can't let her see me like this-!"

Lucifer panicked, his eye bags were evident and his raspy voice cracked so often from his constant shedding of tears over past few days. He was planning to not answer and then his elbow decided to fuck up his plans. "Great.."
"Dad-? You there-? I'm only seeing your elbow-" she chuckled a little, "I'm here- I'm here.., hey hon-! How ya doin' ?" He laughed nervously as he fixed the phone to where Charlie could see his upper half, giving a wide and definitely not forced smile.

"Geez short king-  you look rough, whats gotten you so 'worn out' hmm?~" Angel dust snickered with a wink, "angel-! would you stop harassing Charlie's dad-?! Cant you see your making him uncomfortable, -!?" Vaggie shouted immediately after angel dust finished his rather unnecessary take making Lucifer chuckled nervously at this,  "ahem...sorry about him dad..but seriously, are you ohk..? I've never seen you like this, I mean I haven't seen you in a while but I'm worried.., are you alright?" Charlie asked worryingly as she shifted her camera to herself rather than the two behind her who had began fighting like cats.

"Crap...uh.." He stammered, starting to panic as his arms flung themselves all over, "Dad uh, what's happening..? The cameras flying all over the place I-"
"I'm fine-!, uh just morning mood yk? I'm just peachy don't you worry about-" He stopped as he saw the slightly terrified look of worry on Charlie's face, sighing he took a breath as he looked away.

"I'm sorry, Charlie..it's just I uh ..well.. maybe I'm not doing too well- BUT- i-it's not your fault-! So dont put anything on your pretty little head ohk? I'll be ohk, I'm just a little under the weather. But just a few cups of coffee and I'll be back on my feet, I'll be alright..so stop worrying about your old man and focus on your hotel, ohk?" He finished with a soft smile. He hated hiding things from Charlie now that the two were finally close he didnt want to break the growing bond, but he didnt want to distract her so he thought 'just this once.." and reminded himself that he was doing it with her interest at heart.

"O...hk... if you say so dad, just dont feel pressured ohk? I sent you here to relax, so dont let anything get in the way of that- I'm positive you'll start feeling better soon, just drink lots of water and get your beauty sleep-!" She said positively with a genuine smile. Lucifer smiled happily at this, he loved how Charlie always made him feel better and how great she was at comforting others..making him feel more guilty for hiding his issue from her. "Thanks sweetie, I'm gonna go make something to eat, talk to you soon alright-?" He answered, "Alright dad, love you-!"

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