VI | A date?

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Lucifer spun around in his chair as he clicked the pen he held in his hand, originally since he was technically on holiday, he made sure no work was given to him while he was away, but something came up and it was so urgent he just couldn't ignore it any longer. Though as he look at the stack of paper on his desk, he regretted making that decision. He looked at the clock on his desk and sighed, before turning back to the papers and finally starting to work on them once more.

It had been about an hour since he started, and even though he reading as fast as he could he just couldn't seem to get through all the paperwork. Groaning in frustration he lowered his head before shotting it back up when he heard his door slam open, in the midst of it all stood none other than alastor with his usual grin. "God- Its been a week and you still can't learn to knock?" Lucifer said with an irritated tone. Alastor just hummed at this before observing the king's current state.

"You seem quite busy." He simply stated, further entering the room. "No shit sherlock." Lucifer spat arrogantly. "Fiesty today I see, well I hope it dies down quickly, you'll ruin the night with such a bad spirit." Alastor playfully said. "What- what do you mean by that?" Lucifer asked now curious, "Well after our little stroll I figured that rotting in your room won't solve the matter so I planned a little outing for us." He explained, Lucifer swore he heard wrong and had to do a double take. "Ho- Hold on- you and me-? Like the both of us, going out-? Together?-" He stammered before looking at the demon who simply nodded. "Wha- what do you mean by that-"

"Oh nothing extravagant just a little time spent down a new diner that conveniently opened up a few days ago, it should ease your troubled mind." Alastor explained with a hint of pride trailing his words. "No-no no no - No. Listen just Because I opened up to you a little and were sort of friends now doesnt mean you can just ask me out like that." Lucifer stated. "I beg your pardon?" Alastor asked genuinely confused.

"What you just invited me to, is called a date. I'm not going on a date with you." He stated, His arms folded. "Oh no no no no your majesty, I have standards. All im doing is just inviting you out to soothe your nerves, what's a little outing between friends~?" He hummed looking at the blond with a sly grin. "Ew- don't call us that, only I can- Wait a minute what the heck do you mean by 'you have standards' -!? I AM the standard." Lucifer suddenly started, clearly offended by alastors comment. "I like to think people aren't going crazy over a dwarf." Alastor snickered as the shorter Male started rambling.

"Please my king, I was only joking, Dont take it to heart." He apologized, his tone seemingly genuine. "Whatever, when is this date anyway?" Lucifer asked,  "I would much appreciate if you wouldnt call it a 'date' I already feel my dinner coming back up, but if you must know we leave at 6 so I advise you to freshen up."

"Ohk whatever, now can you please get out-? I dont know if you've noticed, but I'm sorta busy." Lucifer said rolling his eyes as he turned his chair around facing the other way away from the demon before him, visibly ignoring him since now the radiodemon could only see the back of the chair, and the kings feet dangling above the air. "Whatever you wish, my king." Alastor said with slight annoyance before vanishing away, a shadow taking his place before it too scurried away.

"Shit its 5:53-! I forgot about the date-! Wait no, ew why do I keep calling it that." Lucifer panicked as her ran through his closet impatiently, "damn it I'll never find anything in here without getting lost." The short king  said with dread, as much as he'd hate to admit it he was sorta looking forward to this "date" since it gave him an opportunity to change his usual style, and Lucifer always went out when it came to special occasions, no matter the scenario. Unsurprisingly he took pride in how he looked and always tried to dress to impress because he  just wouldnt have it any other way, so him having a dilemma about finding a simple suit to where to some boring date with a guy he bearly tolerated wasnt his proudest moment.

Letting out a large sigh he suddenly heard his room door open.  "for heavens sake does he not know how to knock-?" Lucifer said irritated, peaking through the slightly open closet door he could see the demon humming his usual tune as he waltzed into the kings room, once he came into full view Lucifer felt his jaw drop. "Holy.." he mouthed,  the demon was still clad in his red but this time he wore a black vest over his usual red undershirt, his pants still black but now they were more formal, and he still wore his heeled boots, in his hands was a black coat and the other his staff. The demon looked rather...formal? Lucifer didnt kmow how to put it but for once he actually took a moment to look at the man before him and realize he actually didn't look half bad.

Of course this did nothing but frighten the king since now he needed to take this more seriously, using his wings he flew up to the top of the closet where special suits were hanged up in properly preserved material. "Not that one...not that either- ah ha-!!" Smiling in content with his wings flapping in excitement the king flew back down and into his dressing room.

"And done-!" The king said satisfied, he looked at himself in the mirror of the dressing room and felt a proud smile creep on his face, it's been awhile since he actually dressed up for something and he had to admit he didnt look that bad himself.
"Your majesty..? It's getting quite late you know," the sinner said as he looked at his watch, it was 6:03 and the king has still not shown up. "C- Coming-!!" The king shouted as he finally put down the perfume that he was absolutely bathing in and ran out the closet door meeting a father irritated demon. "Your late."

"Fashionable late." The king smirked as he fixed his posture. Alastor rolled his eyes in amusement before looking the kingdo up and down, he was never really gonna admit it outloud but Lucifer looked absolutely dashing, (as he'd put it) for the first time the king actually looked serious and firm, and alastor was definitely enjoying the sight.  "Will you stop staring.? I know I look good but heavens dude, have some class." the king teased, he was actually quite flustered at how the demon before him was staring so much, but he dare not show it..

"Mhm, well let's get going shall we?" Alastor finally answered extending a hand for the king to hold if he wished, Lucifer quirked a brow at this before he let out a mocking chuckle and grabbed onto the others hand. "Alastor being a gentleman? That's a first." He laughed, As much as he was not fond of the statement he too let out a soft chuckle. He smiled to himself the night seemed to be going fine so far.

1278 words🎀

How radioapple fanfic authors feel after leaving everyone on read: ☺🎀 (no but srsly ehy js everyone leaving they're story on a cliff hanger😭? They're the reason I sorta abandoned this too)

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