VII | interrupted.

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Bright lights blinded the two as they made it closer to the diner, they had been walking for about 15 minutes but it hardly felt like a second due to their continuous chatter, not a moment passed and the two werent having playful bickers and joking around with each other, it was a nice change for Lucifer to finally have someone to talk to instead of just being alone in his room brainstorming ways to distract himself.

As they entered the building a staff member approached them and Lucifer just figured she was going to escort them to their table, which he was indeed correct about. The aquatic like  waitress gestured if the two had a reservation which alastor pulled two tickets out of his top pocket and handed it to the worker,  after a quick look she simple nodded with a smile and held her hand out as a sign for them to follow her, which they both did.

After some walking they were led outside of the diner and near the back area which was outside, as the made it to they're table Lucifer realized that the diner had a little stream that made it's way all around the outside of the restaurant,  and they're table was over on the other side of the built in stream where a small bridge was there to help them get over to it. In the stream were beautiful red and white fish resembling koi , and every now and then they'd leap out of the water as if it was some kind of show, which made Lucifer a little excited every time they did.

As the two took they're seat the waitress handed them each a menu and promised to be back soon when they were ready. However Lucifer found it hard to everyone pick something when the menu seemed to be taller than him,  and ended up just staring at the stream of fish watching patiently for whenever they jumped out performing their little show. Alastor who had already picked what he wanted watched as the menu tumbled down as the king being so distracted, stopped holding it.

"Have you already thought about what you wanted to order my king?" Alastor asked, of course he knew the king got side tracked but he still wanted to find a way to spark up a conversation between to the since he didnt want them just sitting in silence. "Oh uh...not really..what are you getting?" He asked , "just the rare steak, if I'm being honest some of the names on here are so hard to decipher, so I went with anything I could make out."

"Makes sense, I'll just order it too." Lucifer replied looking at his menu, "I take it your enjoying yourself at least a little my king, I mean I didnt come here for my own purposes." Alastor remarked as he stared at the seemingly bored king. "Huh? Well I'm not bored bored but there really isnt much excitement from sitting at a table- Oh my god he jumped!! Finally-!" The king said before being cut off by a particular impress jump that one of the koi like fish did, alastor simply chuckled at this and let out a soft hum.

Soon they're waitress came and took they're orders, "and will there be any side or beverages with that?" She asked, alastor thought for a hot minute and soon replied, "two glasses of wine please." He finished, "mhm, alright sir I'll be with you shortly." The waitress replied as she went off to other table. "I must say they have such good customer service for a place situated in hell, wouldnt you agree my king?" Alastor asked, "yea that's cool and all but uhm, alastor ..I dont drink.." Lucifer said, alastor quirked a brow at this and chuckled, "Well it's good to let loose every now and then isnt it?" Alastor inquired with a sly grin plastered on his face. "No no no no you don't understand,  I do NOT do well with alcohol..I will literally black out if I have too much,-" The king rambled, trying to make his point.

"Well I guess you'll just have to be responsible enough so you don't over take them hmm?" Alastor hummed, just as he said this the waitress finally arrived with they're orders, she laid them down in front of the two and went off with her other trays. "Oh dont be a wuss my king, your the living devil- put some respect on your title." Alastor encouraged the hesitant king who stared at his full cup intentively. "I brought you her for a change, to relax and let yourself breathe, do not waste my efforts dear king." Alastor added before downing his glass in one take. " know what fuck it." The king even tho he was still nervous finished his cup in one fell swoop. "Augh...huh, this is actually not that bad.." he remarked as the taste finally set in.

"Well in that about a second cup?" Alastor teased, "I well, I dont really think I should..." Lucifer replied nervous, "I'll take that as a yes, excuse me good sir-!" Alastor said, calling the waiter over. He requested a refill and once it came, the king surprisingly didnt hold back as much as he did that time, matter of fact after the many drinks that came after that one the king were actually quite loud and easier to talk to, it could be because of the intoxication but either way it made alastors night much easier.

"And then , hic- I got this great idea- what if, hic- I made fire breathing ducks!? They're like dragons but better eyy??" The king said as they both walked down the side walk making there way back to they're temporary home. "I see.." Is all alastor said, truly he know didnt tempting the king would lead to this .  They had been talking about ducks since the moment they left the diner , and frankly alastor wasnt amused about this at all, he found it a bit silly of course, and was definitely gonna use the back on the oblivious king but for the moment he simply wanted silence. Due to his state the king was limping and found it difficult to walk due to his toxicated mind, so alastor knowing it was his fault had the kings arms thrown around his shoulders and his arms held the kings torso.

The noise continued for what felt like another eternity until alastor felt something vibrating next to him, he tilted his head a little only to see that Lucifers phone was ringing, "my king, sorry to interrupt but I think your cellular device is ringing.." he said, this of course got overshadowed by the continuous rambles of non sense, and alastor knowing he really didnt care, did not remind him once again even when the phone continued to ring.

Soon the duo made it home and as the were making their ways to the stairs Lucifer finally acknowledged his ringing phone and pulled it out to see Charlie pop up on his screen, "whys Charlie calling so late..." he thought as he answered the call.

"Hi um , Lucifer, we have a quick do you think you can make it back to the hotel.?"

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