III | issues.

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It was the morning after the unfinished tour, Lucifer woke up to his phone ringing loudly, he looked to see who was calling and realized it was Charlie, panicking he quickly answered. "Hiii Sweetie-! What's up?" He said enthusiastically, "oh thank goodness dad, I've been calling you for hours and was scared you guys murdered each other or something-!!" She laughed nervously. "Haha...that would be..ahem...crazy now wouldn't it.." he chuckled. "Anyways....since you guys are supposed to be bonding why dont you two go on a little outing? You know like a tour around the house or maybe a day in the amusement park? I that that'd be fun-!!" She chirped happily.

Lucifer bit his lip, truly he didnt want to be around alastor that much and he could avoid him but now that Charlie was basically forcing him to interact with the demon he had no choice. he sighed, he didnt want to go back to Charlie with no progress..so he suck up his pride and decided to give it one last shot. "I think that's a great idea Charlie..infact I'm getting right out of bed right now to get ready-!" He said scrambling off the bed, "OHK DAD-! HAVE FUNNNN~!" Charlie squealed as she hung the phone up.

"My plane is working perfectly~" She sung as she danced around the hotel. "Oh yea you bet it is, I've done wayy too many porn films like this to know how it'll turn out, looks like smiles is finally gonna get some action~" Angel dust said snickering, husk rolled his eyes and Charlie tensed up now that angel had ruined her perfectly clean mind. "Ohk first off angel, ew. Why would you ever think that?! And second how do you know that any of them are even interested in men !?"
Vaggie replied as she held Charlie who was still recovering from Angel's comment. "What..? You dont gotta like a person to wanna get down and dirty with em' it could be hate sex-"
"Alright that's enough, I think you've had your moment angel now please, shut the fuck up." Vaggie said disgusted.

"I dont know why everyone's acting offended, I mean I'm sure Charlie wouldn't mind havin' too pops. Right princess?" Angel asked as he turned to look at Charlie who was covering her ears at to not hear Angel's weird predictions. "Yea no I think thats enough, this conversation ends now. Cmon hun let's get you something to eat." Vaggie said as she held Charlie's hand and they both went to the kitchen.

"Now that they're gone..Wanna bet?" Angel asked husk, "What? You think I'd want my hard earned money on two fuckers I give less than two shits about- 50$" "I'm going big, this is smiles and the big boss of hell himself were talking bout' I'll say..400$ he looses his virginity on the first week!" Angel shouted, husk looked a bit surprised at how interested angel was in the twos sex life. He was even a lil creeped out by it but nevertheless. The bet was placed and now all that's left is to wait.
During all this Lucifer was finally ready to start his day, or well what was left of it. As he strolled down the flight of stairs he spotted alastor on one of the sofas reading a newspaper. "I guess sleeping beauty finally decided to wake up hm..?" He commented. "Oh for fucks sake-" he cleared his throat to avoid getting riled up already. "Get ready, were going out." He said blatantly cursing under his breath. "Why so sudden? I know this wasnt your idea." He said, his ears twitching ever so slightly as lowered the paper from his face. "Wow, your quick- but yes, Charlie called and suggested it and I decided to take your words into account, therefore I'm trying my best to make these two weeks a little less agonizing." Lucifer said sighing as he rolled his eyes st his own words. Alastor smirked now his ego thriving that the king indeed was taking his words seriously, he chuckled to himself. "Why, never thought the sun of pride would actually take advice from me- I'll make sure to take note of that~."

Lucifer groaned in annoyance, "whatever, now can you hurry? Were burning daylight." "Whatever you say, your majesty~." Alastor said, using his shadow form he slid out of the sofa appearing behind the king. "Where did he- AH- holy shit-... ohk what the fuck?" Lucifer flinched as he felt something appear behind him, shocked to find out it was alastor staring into his soul with a creepy grin. "Ohk can you not do that-?" Lucifer hissed, "I don't think I will." He hummed walking pass the shorter man. "Come now, were burning daylight."
The two walked for about 30 minutes before reaching the main entrance of the park, two buff hellhound guarded the gates, Lucifer not paying anymind walked right pass them before getting yanked back out the gate, it was one of the helhounds. Held by the back of his shirt he was looking straight into one of the faces of one of them. "What the fuck do you think your doing? Do you know who I am!?" He said his face getting red. "Uh yea, a guy without a ticket." One of them said.

"I dont need a ticket-! I own this park! I'm the Lucifer morningstar?" The smaller man shouted trying to get his point across. The two hellhounds started laughing, "Yea yea we know, listen little guy. We deal with this like 50 times a day, but your probably the most pathetic of them all-" "Ha, yea I mean at least the rest look a bit believable-" the other interrupted, before they could finish they're sentence though two giant tentacles sprung from the ground and impaled the two, allowing Lucifer to be freed. Although it wasnt exactly a safe landing. Alastor giggled to himself as he helped to smaller back to his feet, "I didnt need your help you know, I had it all under control. "Mhmm." Alastor hummed as they both entered the park.

Sorry this is so short but I've been lacking motivation and when I'm tired I dont really right alot, but I felt I should upload something at least :) I'll try to update a bit more <3

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