Lily OC

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Name: Lily Light

Nickname: Pinky Sparkles

Personality: Lily Light is a beacon of joy and positivity, radiating warmth and kindness wherever she goes. Her natural charm and caring nature make her incredibly approachable and beloved by many. She's always eager to help others and is known for her unwavering optimism and genuine love for all living beings.

Age: 21

Height: 8 ft

Weight: 242 lbs

Gender: Female

Species: Goetia Owl

- Singing: Lily has a beautiful singing voice that can soothe even the most troubled souls. She often sings lullabies and gentle songs to comfort those in distress.
- Dancing: She loves to dance gracefully, often performing elegant routines that reflect her joyful spirit.
- Reading Romance Novels: Lily enjoys escaping into the world of romance novels, dreaming of love stories and happy endings.
- Baking Sweets: She has a knack for baking delicious treats, which she often shares with friends and those in need of a little happiness.

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Lily's bright pink feathers with lighter pink accents give her a striking and vibrant look. Her large, expressive eyes are always filled with kindness and curiosity, and her long lashes add to her enchanting appearance. Her soft, rounded face with a perpetual smile exudes warmth and friendliness.

- A flowing, light pink dress with sparkling accents that reflect her cheerful personality.
- Gold jewelry with heart-shaped charms, symbolizing her love and compassion for others.
- A cute headband with a pink bow, adding a playful touch to her elegant appearance.

Occupation: Diplomat for the Goetia family, specializing in peacekeeping and fostering alliances. She works tirelessly to bridge gaps between different factions and ensure harmony in Hell.

Crush: Andrealphus, whom she admires for his intellect and grace.

Friends: Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Octavia, Fizz, and others. She cherishes her friends deeply and is always there to support them.

Enemies: Crimson, who embodies the conflict and cruelty she despises.

- Making new friends and expanding her circle of love and support.
- Helping others, whether through her diplomatic work or small acts of kindness.
- Peaceful environments where she can relax and recharge.
- Cute animals, especially her demon cat Misty.

- Conflict and fighting, which go against her peace-loving nature.
- Rudeness and unkindness, as she believes everyone deserves respect and compassion.
- Injustice, which fuels her desire to create a fairer world.

Voice Claim: Light, melodic, and sweet voice, similar to a gentle pop singer. Her voice has a calming effect on those who hear it.

Backstory: Born into the noble Goetia family, Lily Light always had a heart full of kindness and a desire to help others. Despite her luxurious upbringing, she remained humble and compassionate. Determined to make a difference, she became a diplomat, using her charm and compassion to bridge gaps and create harmony among the denizens of Hell. Her efforts have earned her the respect and admiration of many, and she continues to work tirelessly to promote peace and understanding.

Job: Diplomat and peacekeeper for the Goetia family. She negotiates treaties, resolves conflicts, and fosters alliances to maintain harmony in Hell.

- Failing to help those in need, as she feels a deep responsibility to support others.
- Losing her loved ones, which would leave a void in her heart.
- Facing extreme evil villains who threaten the peace and safety of her world.

Family: Part of the noble Goetia family, with strong ties to the demonic aristocracy. Her family is supportive of her mission to create a better world, even in Hell.

Pronouns: She/her

Status: Single

- Joyful: Her positive energy is contagious, lifting the spirits of everyone around her.
- Compassionate: She has a deep empathy for others and always seeks to understand and alleviate their pain.
- Charismatic: Her natural charm and eloquence make her an effective diplomat and beloved figure.

- Healing Powers: She can heal physical and emotional wounds with her touch.
- Protective Barriers: She can create magical shields to protect herself and others from harm.
- Light Manipulation: She can control light to soothe and calm those around her, dispelling darkness and fear.

- Magical Staff: A powerful artifact that enhances her healing and protective abilities, adorned with symbols of peace and love.

- Healing: Her touch can mend wounds and ease suffering.
- Protection: She can create barriers to shield others from danger.
- Light Manipulation: She can manipulate light to create a calming, soothing environment.

- Diplomatic Negotiation: She excels at mediating conflicts and finding peaceful resolutions.
- Conflict Resolution: Her calm demeanor and empathy make her effective at defusing tensions.
- Healing Magic: Her magical abilities allow her to provide physical and emotional healing.

Worst Enemies: Crimson, who represents everything she fights against.

Sidekick: Andrealphus, who supports her in her diplomatic endeavors.

Lily Light Outfit:
- Light pink dress with gold accents
- Headband with a pink bow
- Heart-shaped jewelry

- Bright pink and light pink feathers
- Large eyes
- Constant smile

- Known for her kind heart and peacekeeping efforts

Goals: Be the kindest and most lovely in Hell, Heaven, and Earth. Be friends with everyone except very extremely evil villains.

Free Time: Talks to her demon cat Misty and helps other people.

Pets: Demon cat named Misty

Favorite Colors: Pink, light pink

Overall: Lily Light strives to be the kindest presence in Hell, Heaven, and Earth, spreading love and creating a fairer world for everyone. Her dedication to peace and her unwavering compassion make her a beloved diplomat and a cherished friend among her circle.

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