Holewen OC

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Name: Holewen
Nickname: Deaden
Age: 21
Height: 6ft
Weight: 140 lbs
Gender: Male
Species: Unknown
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pronouns: They, he, him
Status: Alive

- Tall and lean physique
- Sharp, defined features with a slightly haunted look
- Dark, tousled hair
- Pale skin, hinting at a lack of sunlight
- Dark, intense eyes that seem to hold deep secrets
- Often wears simple, dark clothing suitable for gym and sports activities, usually hooded jackets and sweatpants

- Loner, avoids large crowds and social gatherings
- Stoic, rarely shows emotions openly
- Observant, notices small details others might miss
- Reserved, keeps thoughts and feelings to himself
- Determined, especially in physical activities

Occupation: Unknown, possibly engages in underground fighting for income
Crush: N/A
Friends: N/A
Enemies: N/A
- Gym and fitness
- Physical challenges
- Solitude
- Nighttime, prefers the quiet and calm of the night

- Crowded places
- Socializing
- Superficial conversations
- Daylight, often finds it too bright and revealing

Voice Claim: Holewen, deep and slightly raspy voice

Holewen is a lost soul, drifting through life after losing his family. The pain of his past has led him to a life of isolation and introspection. His only solace comes from physical exertion, pushing his body to its limits to escape his inner turmoil. Raised in a harsh environment, Holewen quickly learned to fend for himself, often resorting to underground fighting to make ends meet. The traumatic loss of his family left him distrustful and wary of forming connections with others.

- Sports, particularly combat sports and endurance training
- Gym, focuses on strength and conditioning
- Internal fighting, constantly battles his own inner demons

- Losing everything he has left, even if it's just his personal space and freedom

- Dead, details unknown but it has deeply affected him

Best Friends: N/A
Worst Enemies: Unknown, possibly those who wronged him in the past
Sidekick: N/A
- Survival, maintaining his current way of life
- Self-improvement, continually pushing his physical limits

- Keeps to himself, making him a mystery to those around him

- Loner, prefers his own company
- Resilient, able to endure physical and emotional pain

Magic: Unknown, possibly has latent abilities
Weapons: Unknown, but likely proficient in hand-to-hand combat
Powers: Unknown, potentially hidden or undeveloped
- High endurance and physical strength
- Proficient in various combat sports
- Highly observant and tactical

Free Time:
- Spends time alone, often at the gym or running at night

Pets: N/A
Pets' Names: N/A

- Often trains late at night to avoid others
- Has a few hidden scars, both physical and emotional, from past experiences
- Lives in a small, sparsely furnished apartment, reflecting his minimalist lifestyle

Overall: Holewen, known as Deaden, is a mysterious and solitary figure who has built walls around himself to cope with his past. His dedication to physical fitness and combat sports serves as both a distraction and a coping mechanism for the pain he carries. He navigates the harsh realities of Hell with resilience, always pushing his limits and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

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