3- thats what you get

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I tiptoed up behind the brown-haired guy standing in front of his locker and put my palms around his eyes.

"Guess Who?" I said with a flirty tone in my voice, and I felt Finn's body tense up.

"Oh hey Savannah," he said as he turned around. His eyes kept darting to the left and right of me, but never seemed to land on me directly. I turned to the side to see what or who he was looking at, but nobody stood out to me. My ponytail swayed as I turned back around to my boyfriend and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"So, I have some great news." I said with an excited tone in my voice and a closed smile on my face.

"What is it?" Finn asked as he seemed to gradually return to his normal state rather than that weird seemingly paranoid version.

"I figured out a way to get into Glee club! I have the perfect song for you and me to sing when we audition for Grease together!" I said, jumping up and down. Finn's semi smile seemed to fade and he plucked my arms off from around his neck.

"Listen, Sav, I don't think that is the best idea-"

A shock flashed over me as I realized that Sam was telling the truth when he said that he was the only one who wanted me in the club, not Finn.

"You really did vote against me to get in the club, didn't you?" I asked, hatred spilling through my veins as Finn seemed to get nervous, most likely questioning how I found out.

"Look, it's nothing personal but-"

"Hell yeah it was personal!" I interrupted, yelling loudly. People were starting to stare and it seemed to be embarrassing Finn, but I didn't give a shit. He deserved to be embarrassed. "You didn't say no because I can't sing, because even wheelchair kid told me I was phenomenal. You love me Finn. Why the hell wouldn't you want me in that stupid club?!"

Finn paused for a minute and attempted to start talking a few times, but it was obvious that he had no idea what he was gonna say.

"You know what, just don't talk to me until you're ready to apologize, and you'd better prepare a damn good apology," I finished before storming off dramatically and into the gym for Cheerios practice.

The locker room was already empty when I threw my duffle bag onto the bench that sits in between the two rows of lockers. I gripped onto the lock of locker 148, my locker, and typed in my combination.


The day that Finn had asked me to be his girlfriend.

It was Valentine's Day, and Finn and I had been flirting for a few weeks after I helped him with his football technique and he won a game for his team.

I remember I was at my locker, and I opened it up to find a note that lead me to the roof garden of our school. I followed the path to the roof where Finn stood with a bouquet of roses and serenaded me with a few of his football buddies helping out. That was definitely the best day ever.

Now seven months have passed and nothing is the same.

Thinking back at the memory I realized that Sam was one of the guys who had been helping Finn to serenade me. I never really noticed until now.

I continued to think back as I stared into my locker filled with pictures, stickers, posters, ribbons and random crap I've gathered through the past two years as I hear my text tone, 21 Guns by Green Day, go off. I pick up my phone and enter into a conversation with Sam.

[2:13 pm] Sam: Hey what did Finn think about the song!

[2:14 pm] Me: never got a chance to tell him about it.

Pretending [A Sam Evans/Glee Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now