2- all mine

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"Why the hell are you here?" I immediately asked him, not wanting him to be even 100 miles within my secret spot, which wasn't really even a secret since everybody seems to know about it.

"Well, uh, I, sorta overheard your conversation with Artie in the hallway, and I just wanted to-"

What the hell! Does he think I'm a pity party now?

"And why did you think you had the authority to talk to me?" He got silent. "I thought we went over this in the hallway earlier," I said, giving him a bitchy hinted with sarcasm look before standing up and excusing myself from the conversation I had no interest in.


I turned.

"Hear me out."

Something about his words made me want to listen to what he had in mind. After all, I had said maybe 3 words to the guy outside of our incident this morning and he all of a sudden was coming to my rescue? I was curious. "You have 2 minutes. Go."

He shuffled a bit in realization of what I had just said before getting a firm stance and looking me in the eye.

"So, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, everybody in glee club hates you."

I rolled my eyes and regretted my decision.

"You're pretty much a bitch and you make all our lives a living hell, so-"

"That's enough, Sam! What was the purpose of this?! To make me feel like shit?" I screamed before plopping down with anger only to find Sam sitting next to me with his hand resting on my leg.

"You didn't let me finish. Calm down a bit."

I did as he asked, feeling a compelling tone in his voice.

"Even though you are indeed a bitch, you didn't deserve what Artie said to you earlier, and I'm sorry," he finished giving me a sympathetic smile. At first I almost let loose for a minute and gave him a hug, but of course Savannah Hastings would never do something like that. "And you're actually a really good singer and we need you in glee club."

"Your friends don't seem to think so. You heard Artie, nobody wants me." I explained with a sassy tone in my voice that was very much intended. "You have 12 people anyways."

"But, your voice. Nobody in glee club has a voice like yours. I want you in this club, and I'm here to offer my services so you can join," Sam said. Bullshit, he didn't want me. The only person who did was Finn.

"I don't even want to be in the stupid club, Sam. You don't get it."

He looked hurt. "Then why did you audition?" He asked, head cocked.

I honestly didn't want to tell him, I would sound weak, broken, even vulnerable. I can't come off that way, because that's not who I am. Nor would I ever be.

"Sue forced the Cheerios to. It was her way of spying," I lied. Sam didn't seem to buy it even though I'm a totally great actress.

"That's not true, Savannah. We both know that that's not why you auditioned, just tell me."

"Do you suddenly think we're best friends? Were not. In fact I barely even know you. Why do you want to help me?"


"Why do you want to help me?"

Well, obviously I wasn't going to tell her the real reason, the only reason I wanted her in glee club.

I loved her.

I mean, I think I did. We had going to school together for like five years now but she hasn't really noticed cause she's all in her own bubble. But I've see her at her best, when she's smiling and happy, when she doesn't care about what anyone else thinks. I've even heard her sing, before the audition. I walked past the science lab after hours one day and she was just there, singing Gotta Be Somebody by Nickleback. I thought it was weird, but awesome. That's actually why I joined Glee in the first place, because I thought she would since she obviously liked to sing. I want to get close to her.

Pretending [A Sam Evans/Glee Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now