1- primadonna

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The hallways in McKinley always smelled like must- it was disgusting and totally threw of the scent of my perfume. I strutted over to the girl's locker room and swung open the door to see my fellow cheerios standing in perfect unison. Quinn stood in the middle of Santana and Brittany and I smiled and took my usual spot on the outside of Santana and stood up straight as we prepared our signature departure out of the locker room and down the hallway. We made our way past dozens and dozens of students talking at their lockers and made sure our short skirts and high ponies were swinging at the same speed. It was the first day of junior year, we were ready to run this school.

I broke our formation at sight of my boyfriend of seven months, Finn Hudson, trolling his way aimlessly through the hallway in his varsity jacket surrounded by a bubble of jocks. I perkily pranced over and before I had the chance to wrap my arms around Finn's neck, I was face-to-face with the floor. I felt rage and anger as I pushed myself up to see the face of Sam Evans standing before me.

"I'm sorry Savannah, I honestly didn't mean to trip you-"Sam explained innocently with his hand on my shoulder, but I immediately pushed it off and cut his apology short.

"Did you really just trip me? And then try to apologize for it? Who the hell gave you the authority to talk to me?" I ranted, stepping closer towards Sam until he slammed against the lockers.

"Woah, Sav, calm down," Finn said, carefully pulling me away from Sam and giving him a chance to let go of the breath he was tightly holding in out of fear.

"Sorry Finny," I pouted, and he smiled.

"It's okay."

Thankfully, this time I succeeded in running my arms up my boyfriend's chest until they reached the back of his neck where my fingers interlocked. "So what time are you picking me up tonight?" I asked, batting my eyes. His 'Oh shit' look took presence upon his face as well as him letting out a deep breath as Sam had seconds before. "You forgot. Didn't you?"

"No, of course not!" He put his hands on both my arms and began to rub them, like we were best friends or something. "I just- I- uh- overbooked!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Glee club?" He shrugged in response and I immediately turned around out of rage to scurry off until I was turned around by a set of hands.

"Babe, don't be mad. It's just the first day of school, we always have a meeting."

I plastered a fake smile on my face and twirled my ponytail. "Course I'm not mad!"

"Cool. So were good?" Finn smirked, and I nodded, giving him a quick kiss before walking off in the direction of the football field, or more specifically, the bleachers.


They were always empty during first, second, and sixth periods, so it was the perfect place for me to come when I needed to be alone, or just needed a break.

I hated that Finn was so distant, he had been since he joined Glee Club last year and became totally obsessed with it, and I never understood his fascination. The constant thought of the source of his excitement being the one and annoying, Rachel Berry, crossed my mind daily- but I shrugged it off. I would never accept the fact that the source of my happiness was off without my picture in his mind canoodling with some uptight big-nosed freak.

Around ten minutes passed when I heard light footsteps walk towards my spot at the top of the bleachers, I looked up to see Quinn.


I continued to watch her as she sat down, and I finally decided to return her dialogue. "Hi Quinn, what are you doing here?"

"You don't think we all know this is your spot that you come to when you're sad?" She said with her head cocked and a goofy smile on my face. Quinn was my only true friend out of the entire squad, Santana and Brittany just used me for money and popularity- but don't get me wrong, I did enjoy their stupidity. "Is it Finn again?" She asked.

Pretending [A Sam Evans/Glee Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now