Chapter 2Political Marriage

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Now here we are in year 332 A.S. (A.S stands for After Settlement, meaning after the first generations of all of the races settled in their kingdoms). Our story starts in the kingdoms of Etherian and The Obsidian Reach, where the leaders are about to be wed, thus creating the first ever alliance between two kingdoms. Until this time such a matrimony was unheard of. Queen Cecila of the Elves, age twenty nine, and King Gerold of the Giants, age thirty three, were not exactly fueled by love when talks of this wedding first began. Both simply realized how much they each stood to gain if united with the other. Etherian and the elves could gain a strength that they'd never had. While they were talented with a bow and quick enough with a sword, few ever truly saw them as a threat. They were leaned figured, mild mannered and often viewed as weak. Because of this the dwarves and the humans had tried on numerous occasions to invade them in the past- none had succeeded but only because of the intervention of elven mages. If the elves were seen as weak, the giants were their opposite. They were seen as cold blooded killers, could kill any of another race with their bare hands (and had). If allied with the giants, the elves gained protection, the protection that came from the fear that ran through the other races' veins when they thought of the giants. The giants, on the other hand, gained comfort. While the cold didn't necessarily bother them and none would ever admit to it outloud, no one is exactly comfortable at such frigid temperatures. Cecila had offered to open the border between the lands so that the giants had a place to escape the cold during the winter months.

News of the wedding was not taken well by the people of both kingdoms immediately. It took much time and bribery for both rulers to be able to shift the publics' opinion. By the time the wedding finally rolled around it was the majorities' belief that the benefits outweighed their years of dislike of one another.

While strength and comfort were the reasons communicated to the people, King Gerold and Queen Cecila had their own motivations for seeking an alliance. There had been troubling rumors of a new king in Almoria, one of the human kingdoms, named Artemis. He was said to be far crueler than any ruler before him. Cruelness was not what worried Gerold and Cecila though. What worried them was how powerful he was said to be, and worse, how power hungry. He had been only a commoner prior to leading a violent rebellion to take the throne. It is said that he himself chopped off the previous king's head to display in the center of the town surrounding the Almorian Castle. Worst of all, there was rumors that he was building an army unlike the realm had ever seen and had his sights set on total invasion. Both Celila and Gerold had sent scouts to try to confirm this but the scouts had never returned.

It was fear that drove this alliance but Gerold and Cecila could not let it show. To show fear was to show weakness. Both knew that an alliance of their races was their best chance to survive the war they feared was coming. Both also knew an alliance of word and promise would not be enough. To be truly accepted and honored by the entirety of both kingdoms it would need to be an alliance of marriage. That was the thing about elves and giants, both were incredibly loyal to their royal families. Like shed blood, sweat and tears to serve them loyal. A marriage would mean a combination of their royal families- making the races' loyalties intertwined.

The wedding was a grand affair. Every giant and elf of high distinction was in attendance. The night began with the races keeping their distance from each other. As drinks started to flow that distance shortened. By the end of the night one could spot elves and giants having civilized conversation in nearly every direction.

Marriage began as a political alliance for Cecila and Gerold but they quickly found love. They were far more alike than either had predicted. Both intelligent, proud leaders who loved and valued their people. Both could be headstrong. Both could be vicious but also fair.

Gerold, a giant, who loomed at 12 feet tall, built with stocky muscle. He had a thick beard and mustache that framed his face. Naturally good looking, he wore the crown well. He was never without his wide steel sword which he nicknamed Bloodbarer. Nearly the length and weight of averaged sized human adult, he wore it sheathed on his back at all times. His people knew him as a stern but just leader. He would not stand for deceitfulness but was also open to compromise in a disagreement. He flaunted his brawn and was a skilled, ruthless fighter. His father had been king before him, but his mother was not queen. He was the seventh of seven sons, all who had different mothers. His father never married. When Gerold turned fifteen his father announced that he would decide his official heir by sending his seven sons to battle in an arena that was located to the south of the royal castle. All seven sons would go in, but only one was to come out. The eldest three killed each other. After they fell, Gerold slaughtered all that remained. He took the throne at age 18, after his father passed away.

Cecila, an elf, stood about about 5 feet and 6 inches. She had a small frame but a big personality. With blond hair that flowed well passed her shoulders and bright blue eyes, she was heavenly to look at. As the only child of the elven king and queen, she was the sole heir to the throne when they passed away. She was 21 when she took power. She had a natural confidence about her that could occasionally turn to arrogance. Adored by her people, she was known for her quick wit, breath taking beauty and calm temperament in conflict.

After a year of marriage the two kingdoms had settled into a comfortable rhythm. The giants had come down from the mountains that past winter with little issue. They were met with initial hesitation from some elves, but this faded quickly. The king and queen had made it clear- they were now one nation, one people. There was to be no discrimination, no fighting, no hostility. There had been unexpected benefits when the races intertwined. The giants taught the elves to fight. While the giants could do little to increase the elves' physical strength, they were able to find ways to teach them to use their speed and size as an advantage. They taught them how to successfully fight a larger opponent. When word of this reached the king and queen Gerold said, "Well I suppose the alliance is working then. You don't typically teach your enemies how to fight better." After winter ended most giants returned to the mountain but the border remained opened. Markets began to pop on up the edges of both kingdoms that allowed for continuous year-long trade.

In 334 A.S., Gerold and Cecila welcomed their first child, a boy named Cassius. Blessed with his mother's beauty and his father's strength, both kingdoms celebrated the birth of the future heir cheerfully and drunkenly for weeks on end. He had brunette hair like his father, and green eyes like his mother. A year later came a second boy. Gerold and Cecila gave him the name of Lief and the celebration began all over again. Even as a newborn he looked like Cecila with his blonde hair and blue eyes. In 336 A.S. the king and queen were blessed with the birth of their first and only daughter. She was named Genevieve and she quickly became the sweetheart of the kingdoms.

Despite Gerold's upbringing, he vowed to do right by his children. He wanted his children to feel a warmth and tenderness that his father had never given him. He would melt in their presence- quickly transforming from fierce, battle trained king to doting, loving father. Cecila's calm temperament came in handy as the children began to grow as they could be a handful; each having inherited some of the best and worst traits of their parents. The boys loved to sword fight and rough house. They would sprint around the castle, causing chaos wherever they went. With age they eventually calmed, much to the relief of their parents and castle staff. Genevieve was far less rambunctious than the boys, but was quick to speak her mind. She fell in love with the written word, always with her nose in a book. Sometimes too smart for her own good, she was quick to challenge anyone she assumed to be in the wrong. The boys preferred physical fights and Genevieve verbal ones, but the kingdoms adored them all the same. They spent time in both kingdoms as they grew up, traveling throughout the lands. They were well educated, well mannered (for the most part), and well loved.

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