Chapter 18The Plan

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The plan was as simple as it was unlikeable in Genevieve's mind. They would split into two groups- Genevieve remaining with Ohamed, while Archibald, Agnes and Alice went off on their own. They would approach the wall at different parts. Ohamed and Geneivieve would go to the spot on the wall that Almoria had initially breached as that was the biggest opening and likely the easiest to get through- the others would go to other parts of the wall, about a mile away and cause a spectacle to make it seem as though they were attempting to get through or breach it. The goal was for the others to draw enough attention that Ohamed and Genevieve would be able to try to get through the wall onto Almorian land undetected.

Ohamed and Genevieve would each be wearing Almorian armor (that Ohamed and Alice claimed to have stolen 'a while back' making Genevieve question how long they had actually been thinking of this plan). The hope was they would be able to pass through relatively unnoticed in their disguises- especially with the other's commotion drawing Almorian attention away.

No matter the fight Genevieve gave about this plan, it was apparent to all that this is what they were going to do. Even Agnes was in agreement, "I think I speak for us all when I say this, shut your trap. It's happening princess", she said in exasperation at one point- the others all nodding in agreement.

The next two days were spent traveling towards the wall. They travelled mostly in silence. Genevieve didn't know what to say- it wasn't that she didn't appreciate their help. It was that she feared what the outcome of this plan would be- she didn't want any more blood on her hands.

The night before they separated Alice sat next to her as they ate, eventually putting a arm over Genevieve's shoulders. Genevieve sat staring at the ground for a moment, before turning and embracing Alice in a tight hug, "I did not get the chance to say goodbye to my family, I didn't get to thank them for everything they had done for me, I will not miss that chance with you all. Thank you. I would not be alive without you, I know it. You saved me at great cost to yourselves and continue to do so. It is a debt that I will never be able to repay." Genevieve said this loud enough for the entire group to hear, and after hugging Alice she went on to hug each of the others- even Ohamed whom she often had a love-hate relationship with.

"This is not goodbye. This plan will not cost any of us our lives- we will cause a distraction and then we will disappear into the woods, regrouping deep in the forest. Agnes, Archibald and I will be together still, and you will still have Ohamed. And even that is not forever. You will come home one day, once it is safer," Alice said, tears brimming in her eyes.

Archibald added, "We are not saying goodbyes, we are simply wishing each other safe travels until we all meet again."

Agnes added, "We are like a clan of wolves, we will each break away to do our own jobs and duties but we all eventually return to the pack." It was such an Agnes thing to say that Genevieve couldn't help but smile- only Agnes could compare them to a group of wild animals and have it be meant in a complimentary way.

There was nothing left to say. Genevieve had half a mind to ague about the dangerousness of the plan once again, but she did not want what could be her last memories of the group to be of them arguing. She wanted them to be of this- them all sitting around the fire, with one another, as a pack.

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