Chapter 20Kingdom to Kingdom

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They had little trouble finding horses. Once on horseback they took off quickly in the direction of Terterra, they remained in their Almorian attire though to keep up appearance just in case they were questioned on the road.

The ride went quickly. It took just over a day and a half because they stopped for rest, each taking a shift so the other could sleep for a few hours. A few hours was far from enough to fully revive them but it was all they felt comfortable stopping for. The closer they got to Terterra, the less Almorians they saw. While no solider actually stopped to talk to them, they rode by many. Genevieve would hold her breath every time they passed, fear coursing through her body.

When they were finally in view of Terterra the sight took Genevieve's breath away. She had heard about the beauty of the kingdom, which was surrounding by water with a large beautiful wall and gate at its entrance. Terterra was something of an enigma. It was a land of great beauty but also incredible strength. Once the war had broke out between Almoria and Dewan years ago, Terterra had closed its borders. One was now only welcomed in if they were a specified guest of a Terterrian resident.

There was a large wall with a gate in the center that blocked the only entrance to the kingdom. Behind the gate, laid a large stone bridge that connected Terterra to the rest of the realm. Solider lined the walls with bow and arrows in their hands. In order to get past the gate you needed to present a written invitation from a Terterrian citizen, who also needed to notify the wall that you would be coming. Ohamed, always a man of mystery, had somehow managed to procure an invitation. When Genevieve questioned him about it all he said was, "Terterra is a land of outcasts, I know many who call it their home." It was beginning to make more sense to Genevieve why Ohamed was the one who brought her here, not any of the others.

The guards scanned the letter, then looked over Ohamed and Genevieve. One called for a 'list' and they were asked for their names. Genevieve and Ohamed had each shed their Almorian gear, but were covered in so much dirt and grime they hardly looked like themselves anymore. They gave their real first names but fake last ones- ones that Ohamed had made sure would be on the list that the guards were checking. They were let through and they began to ascend what felt like one hundred stairs that lead to the bridge. Genevieve was nearly as nervous now as she had been when they were first entering Almoria. Ohamed sensed her anxiety and put a comforting hand on her shoulder as they walked over the bridge. They had left their horses at the entrance, having been assured they they would be cared for and brought over later in the day. Ohamed leaned close to her ear and whispered, "Breathe Genevieve. All is well, we are safe here."

Genevieve tried to find comfort in his words but it was difficult for her to believe that they were safe anywhere at this point. There were more guards at the other end of the bridge who once again asked for their names, which they gave once again and were allowed to pass.

On the other side of the bridge there were more stairs, luckily downhill this time, that seems to circle around the outside of what she assumed was the castle. Everything was beautifully build, gorgeous strong stone- combining elegance and strength. After nearly ten minutes when they finally reached the bottom of the stairs and entered the opening that led to what appeared to be the town center, Genevieve couldn't help but let out a quick surprised gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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