I will always break girl code for him (7)

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Real life !!

My phone began blaring haunted by taylor swift from its place on my bedside table forcing me to be ripped out of my sleepy state . I stretched out, my eyes still closed flailing  my arm at my phone slamming my hand down trying to hit the snooze button which of course didn't work because you had to swipe it . Admitting defeat i sat up and grabbed my phone turning of the alarm before lying back down to go threw my phone which arguably is a miserable way to wake up but i only check my phone in the mornings because  the only thing i can think about these days  is him . The first thing i check every morning is him , has he messaged , called , left a stupid comment on my post ?  i even go as far to check what he last played on spotify . Dior says i'm the female Jo Goldberg i would say Dan humphry but she thinks i have the insane vibes which is a little offensive but i get it . 

My heart beats a little faster and a warm fuzzy feeling fills my stomach when i see that he was currently listening to my song " History of man "  . In the midst of my fangirling and stalking i completely missed the 3 messages i had from charlie , i panicked and opened his texts he was just saying good morning and asking if i was busy today which i was but he didn't need to know that i am all for chicks over dicks just not when charlie is involved .



Whores 4 life ( we are all single)

Abi - BigAbs

Celia - CeeCee

Martha - Marty

Mathew - Matty boii


Heyy guys ..


I swear to fucking christ if your about to tell us

your pregnant and its that curly boys kid i will hurt you


Nooo , but i do have to cancel today very sorry

please don't hurt me 



Matty boii

Limelight - Charlie BushnellWhere stories live. Discover now