Breaking up is never easy ... (19)

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TheBigCeeCeeW : i envy younger me she didn't have to deal with shitty men 

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Celias pov

I through my phone on the bed with a huff and sank back into the pit of pillows i had created , in light of recent events if you will i have been staying with taylor she has a more remote home paps haven't found yet were we hide away when boys happen . " Have you actually told any body about the breakup" taylor asked from her place beside me , i sent her a glare that was telling enough as she visibly backed away slightly .

"I don't even know that we have broken up , i just don't  know what to do "  tears began falling again as i slipped back into the endless cycle of choking on my tears , taylor was instant to put her arm around me and press play on the episode of supernatural we paused .  "Breaking up is never easy i know but i had to go?" taylor read out my tweet from earlier , twitter was the only platform i forgot to block charlie on . "knowing me knowing you?" she still look confused "Abba? come on woman "  a small laugh escaped my mouth but before taylor could respond and allow that laugh to fall in response to whatever remark she was about to make the door bell rang bringing us to a cold silence . "Do you think its -" i cut her off " Charlie , it has to be hes the only person who knows i would come here " sorrow filled her eyes as she rubbed my shoulder .

"Are you going to talk to him?"  i let out a large sigh and threw my self out of the bed , taking a deep breathe in attempts to calm my self "Screw it , better hear him out now and get new material for my album " she laughed at my attempt to lighten the situation before i span on my heel and headed for the door . I caught  a glance of my self in the mirror my over sized eras tour hoodie draped over my body , black streaks painted down my face from when i tried to put makeup on to feel better but instead cried it all off , i ran  my fingers my hair slightly knocking some tangles out before bringing my hand to the door handle .

Opening it felt like ripping a plaster only the sticky bit was slightly over the wound and doused in lemon juice .  The first thing my eyes met was a bouquet of black dahlias and deep red roses i couldn't help the small flutter in my heart dahlias had always been favourite . Before the tears that pricked my eyes could fall i snapped my head up meeting the boys gaze " You have 5 minutes , i suggest you hurry up "  he seemed a little taken back by my sudden persistence but continued anyway . "Look ,  i don't want to lie to you so i wont , i did leave yesterday to go to her house but only because i had left something at hers back when we were together i understand how lousy that sounds and i was never going to go back to get it until you mentioned your love for Neil Gaiman and its a special edition that my mom gave me i was going to give it to you as a late birthday present i guess?  " he held out a copy of stardust , it was beautiful the cover it was royal blue with gold engravings and came with a hand signed front page  "I understand if you don't believe me or if you never want to see me again but celia i love you , with every part of me i love you and it pains me seeing you like this knowing it was my fault i cant eve-"  i found my self laughing slightly , not sure how or why but this confused charlie greatly " i don't understand whats funny about this lia" i found my self now smiling up at him as i stepped closer " You know , no matter what your always cute when you ramble " a small smile replaced his worried features , " I love you more then anything char , i am endlessly sorry i didn't allow you to explain your self sooner i was just so driven by my anger i barely gave you a chance "  our faces were now inches apart  relief washed over me as our lips connected briefly . 

"You have no idea how badly i needed that " i said as i stepped back into the house 

"Speak for you self , you taste like tears and super noodles " i scoughed at his comment    

 "Shut it lover boy "


i fixed it see i told you i would , i was gonna extend this over 2 chapters but i simply couldn't 

quick life update

. i went to taylor swift she sang the bolter x getaway car and all of the girls youve loved before x crazier it was the best night of my life and i want to die 

. i finish my exams on friday so i will have free time to write

. i just binged the new season of brigerton and omg?

. i am however in exremely demanding hours for reherasals and have lots of partys so im gonna be busy ish 

ANYWHOODLES tysm for reading , were at 20k can u beleive it bc i cant , i love hearing your comments even when there silly storys or random "reals " it makes me so happy to see you all talking .


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