Family matter(14)

631 17 10

Real life !!


I sat patiently on my couch waiting for the knocking of my front door staring at the sheets of messy lyrics that littered my table , dust collecting on the stiff piano keys and worn out guitar strings that sat unattended in the corner of the room . Since my EP release i have had the worst writers block and with work and charlie i have had no time to sit down and properly write  that's why i as so quick to agree  when taylor asked if i wanted to do a song with her i mean also because she's taylor swift but that's besides the point .  She  was coming over to mine to work on the song together so naturally i panicked and cleaned the whole house even though shes been like a mother to me since i was 15 and new in the industry .

Hearing a loud banging on my door i shot up hurrying over to open it revealing a smiling Taylor "Hi honey how are you"  she pulled me in for a hug , that bubbly energy  she seemed to carry bouncing of her " Im really good , how are  you ?" i said as i returned her embrace ,   a wide grin pulled her  at cheeks , her lips threatening a giggle  "I'm amazing , really allot better and with Tortured poets coming out in two days i feel like allot of weight is being lifted of me you know?" 

"Yeah , but it also feels like showing your diary to the whole world " she laughed as we walked into my apartment " Oh you get me so good " .  When we reached my living room before either of us could sit down she turned to me once again grinning like a child , she didn't need to say anything her face was telling enough " Hows the boyyyy...." she asked extending the y , i shook me head and looked to the floor " Hes good .... ok hes really good " i paused a moment before mirroring her expression " Hows your boy ?" she like me grinned , her face lighting up at the thought of her relationship. I watched as her eyes scanned the room before landing on the vinyls on my cabinet "Hey , um what you been listening to " she said pointing to the collection of 1975 vinyls in the corner of the room .

"Dons't matter hah , lets um lets start the song 

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liked by taylorswift13 , charliebushnell ,Jackantonoff ,Walkerscobell and 8095,505 others 

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liked by taylorswift13 , charliebushnell ,Jackantonoff ,Walkerscobell and 8095,505 others 

TheBigCeeCeeW: mother  and daughter   have been busy 

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JoshHutcherson: why was i not invited to the family day out

TheBigCeeCeeW reply to JoshHutcherson : bc i like Travis more then you

TravisKlece reply to JoshHutcherson : suck it 

taylorswift13: wonder what we've been up to 

TheBigCeeCeeW reply to taylorswift13: who knows 

charliebushnell : do i get to know 

TheBigCeeCeeW reply to charliebusnell : maybe

taylorswift13 reply to charliebushnell: no this is a family matter curly 

JoshHutcherson reply to taylorswift13: but i don't know ?

TheBigCeeCeeW reply to JoshHutcherson : can it tiny 

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Authors note


tysm for 12.7k reads that is acc crazy also all your comments are my fav thing i love reading what you find funny or the wompwomp  thread on the early chapter  also sorry shes a little short

ill try very hard to get chapters out but my exams start in 2 weeks and i have an art exam next week so i have allot of work to be doing 



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