Don't call me baby(18)

522 19 32

Celia's POV

I sat bored waiting for charlie to come back  , mindlessly scrolling through my Instagram feed attempting to live through the lives of people on my phone as i slouched on my couch , the realisation  i had been scrolling for hours brought me to a stop so before turning my phone of i checked my D'Ms to see if there were any worth replying to . The most recent was a message from someone called Kiana Samuel assuming it was a fan i opened the chat only to be rudely met with a text that i could've swore stopped my heart . With shaking hands and nausea building in my stomach i attempted a reply.

Texts from Kiana samuel


Hey i know you don't know me 

but girl code tells me its only right i tell you this

Charlie's cheating on you 


I'm sorry but who the fuck are you and why 

should  i take word for it ?


I'm charlies ex and you should take my word

because hes cheating on you with me or atleast trying to

he came to my house this morning practically begging for me

I didn't kiss back but ...


Thank you for telling me now if you could kindly

go fuck your self that would be more then perfect  

Real life

My vision went blury as tears coated them , falling in heavy drops down my cheek , charlie left my apartment early this morning because he said he had an "important interview " i should've know he was lying but no part of me wanted to accept that he could do anything to harm me . The sound of my front door opening froze the sobs coming out of my mouth , i could feel him walk into the room just out of my eyesight . Worry replaced his features when he caught a glance of my face  , he rushed over to me sitting down words of panic leaving his mouth as he searched my blank expression trying to meet my eyes . "You lying piece of shit " was all i could muster out through a grainy laugh "What? , baby are yo-" 

"Don't call me fucking baby " i  threw his hand of me and stood up now facing him fully , fueled by my hurt . I wasn't trying to shout but it was all i could do " YOU WANT TO TELL ME WHO THE FUCK KIANA IS AND WHY YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT GOING TO SEE HER ? YOU MET MY FUCKING FAMILY CHARLIE DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THAT IS TO ME " i took a deep breath trying to calm my self , he was about to speak but i didn't want to hear his bull shit lies "I can't believe i trusted you an important interview really? , before you try come up with some bull shit exuse i don't care if you want whats best for me you will get the fuck out of my apartment and never contact me again " i couldn't even look at him my eyes were once again fixed on a the ground " Lia , please let me-"

"no , leave now or i will have my security escort you "  the seriousness i spoke with sent a clear message to charlie that i wasn't bull shitting , i was no longer facing him but i felt him leave and the moment that door slammed shut every part of me broke down and  found my self on my knees sobbing  like a child , i reached for my phone and removed charlie on all social medias , blocking his number and leaving the cast groupchat before francticaly calling taylor lord knows i need her right now .

"HE DID WHAT?" was all taylor could say once i told her what charlie had done "I am about to go all no body no crime on the kid "  a small laugh escaped my mouth ,

"whilst that sounds perfect , i could really do with wine , brownies and  dean winchester right about now " without another word taylor shot up running to the kitchen to get what we would call break up supplies . I was more then ready to spend the next phew hours , hell days watching hot winchesters and angels fight monsters and gain 6 pounds from ice cream alone . Facing your problems is for grown ups anyway .


i am so so so sos sos sorry do not kill me i promise the conflict will be resolved i just felt this book needed a tiny bit of drama 

Im seeing taylor swift live in 3 days and i feel sick but thats fine 

also the next 2 chapters are planned but idk when there gonna be out bc i have an exam tommorow and friday taylor swift on saturday then im not gonna be here sunday bc its the day after the concert , but exams end the 14th so soon it will be summer and i will be able to update whenever .

i love you all so much thank you for reading and sorry again , if this chapter is shit i am very very sorry idk how good my writing is.

ILYY SEE YOU NEXT TIME ( do not kill me )

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