10 things i ..2/2 (12)

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Real life : The bathroom 1 hour into the party

Celias Pov:

I sloppily typed out a caption  for my instagram post ,  allowing the alcohol to control my  fingers  as they glided  callously across the key bored no care for if the words i was typing formed literate sentences .  Once my drunk mind decided it was good enough i stood from wear i was perched on the edge of the bathtub and pulled my cherry lip-gloss out of my lacy black bra and brought my self to the mirror where i coaxed my lips with the gooey substance until it slipped through the gap on my lips and left my mouth tasting of artificial cherry . I checked my self over once more adjusting my dress slightly before slamming the lip gloss on the counter and heading out the bathroom , i had no pockets and it left a odd shape in my bra so i figured leaving it in the bathroom was the best bet .

The moment i opened the bathroom door the music and lights hit me like a train bringing back my dizzy state and flowing energy back in to my body . Every limb on me wanted to dance , they wanted to move and be free but my mind and heart had other plans , damn body can't you  just work together for once? Anyway the heart wants what it wants , i thought to my self before i started wondering  pushing past people i wasn't even sure i new no care to the fact it was my party and  i was basically blanking everyone all i cared about was finding them . My urgent path was stopped by a warm smile and bright blue eyes that towered over me " There you are , i was starting to think you ran off with that charlie kid "  i rolled my eyes at her

"Taylor i would never leave you , i would miss the cats to much" 

"Hardy ha ha " she replied stiffly , sarcasm laced her tone . A sickly sweet smile replaced her previously  blank expression  " Happy birthday ceecee im so proud to be your mother really your such a  wonderful soul " . She pulled me in for a hug my heels not helping me much since she was a foot taller then me  so i still had to go on my tiptoes " Now go find that boy of yours " we pulled away and i smiled at her before running of to find my boy.

After what felt like 6 years and a trip to narnia i gave up and assumed he had left or was using the loo or some other bullshit , in a state of defeat i found my self sat on the kitchen counter red solo cup in hand filled with white wine (because i'm fancy like that ) slipping deeper into a daydream and letting my thoughts corrupt my mind making me blissfully unaware of my surroundings .

"Lia there you are " my body jolted at the sound and i let out a  scream before slamming my hand to my mouth " Jesus char you scared the shit out of me " we both began laughing at the situation as he itched closer to me . "What are you doing sat alone in the kitchen at your birthday party? " He asked as he came to a stop in front of me my crossed legs grazing his lower chest and waist "I was looking for you actually " .

" Really?" i uncrossed my legs and he stood between them his hands finding my waist

"Yeah , but i couldn't find you so i gave up turned to alcohol " my legs wrapped loosely around his hips  , his arms wrapped fully round my waist

"Well i'm here now " 

There was a stillness in the air , for a moment the noise of the party went radio silent and it was just me and him . I could feel my face growing hot as his came closer i blocked out all the thoughts telling me it was to soon , or that it was  a bad idea and allowed my hands to wrap round his neck pulling him closer towards me until  there was no room left between our lips .

I had been waiting for this since we met , my delusions were all seemingly coming true who new delulu really is the selulu . The moment sadly did have to end , We both pulled away still remaining close together before i let out a horribly timed giggle which turned into a manic laugh seemingly unable to stop my self i glanced at charlies worried face " sorry that was stupid i nev-"

"No no it was perfect i'm not laughing at you or the kiss i promise " i tried to explain , the last thing i wanted was charlie thinking this was a mistake " Then what are you laughing at " he asked

"Honestly i have no clue " i cleared my throat as my laugh died down " We should do that again sometime , maybe when there is less alcohol involved "  a smile spread across charlies flustered face  " Yeah i would like that  , oh actually i have something for you " he handed me a small purple box and my heart seemed to beat a little faster . I opened it giddy like a kid on christmas

" CHARR OMG "  i threw my arms around him pulling him into a tight hug before pulling away to look at the necklace that lay in the box , it was a little necklace with a C engraved on it  the back said i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck . " I have one with a L on it for lia , we both have C as our first initial so Lia made more sense to me   i knew call it what you want was one of your top taylor songs so" 

"Aw char its perfect i'm gonna sob" on closer inspection i saw a corner of a piece of paper sticking out of the box ,  pulled it gently and unfolded it to read the note inside "shit um , its a little corny so please humour me here " i smiled at him before looking down to read the note 

I know this is going to be painfully cringey but i don't care .I know you love 10 things i hate about you so i thought i would pay homage to it just slightly different so here's 10 things i love about you 

1. i love your compassion and love for others

2. i love how you don't care how people view you 

3. i love how you need small noise to sleep 

4. i love your dedication to things important to you

5. i even love your taylor swift obsession 

6. i love how the dimple under your eye only shows when you really laugh 

7. i love how angry you get when people don't understand the slang terms you use 

8. i love how your probably going to become a crazy cat lady when your older

9. i love how you still have to shop in the kids section sometimes because your 4'11

10. i love you, the person you are  , every element of your being is perfect in my eyes 

I'm so crappy with poetry and sappy shit but i hope that was a good way to build up what i am about to ask

will you be my girlfriend ?


OKOKK if this chapter is crappy please tell me 

i know it is kinda short and very cringey but THERE FINALLY TOGETHER WOOP WOOPP

im going to try be as active as possible but with my gsces right round the corner i have revison to focus on and lots of it bc i have done like none 

i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter writing it was stressful icl  ty so much for 9k read like what?

i love  hearing your feedback and little comments its so cute


(Also i  have barely proof read)

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