Chapter 1:

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My most memorable summer commenced in a dimly lit room in Positano, Italy. I had barley slept a wink that night; the jet lag had settled in. Even though I was utterly exhausted from the flight the day before my mind was buzzing with anticipation of the adventures ahead. I couldn't wait to explore the rocky beaches my best friends family had told me about, they had grown up in a family town nearby. My friend's mothers family had a villa on the coast line ten minutes walking from the town centre. I watched the sun rise over the teal water from the confines of the bed. The intricately detailed tiles on the walls reflected the vibrant hues of orange and pink rays. Adjacent to the bed, a window offered an unobstructed view of the vast ocean, while to my left, I caught a glimpse of the charming town I was to explore that day. I remained motionless for hours, reluctant to interrupt the sunrise. I felt like I was the luckiest girl on the planet. I waited with eagerness since the day my friend, Sienna, had told me she was bringing me to Italy for the whole summer. We had playfully discussed leaving our hometown and settling in a quaint Italian village. Sienna in the countryside and myself in the city. We said we would Rendez-vous by the beach, and then here we are. Spending the summer before grade 12 in Sienna's Aunts home by the sea. The house was beautiful although last night was a daze as we struggled to carry all our bags into our rooms. The house felt endless as we stumbled down the hallways into our rooms, Sienna's was across the hall from me and had similar tiles on the wall and marble flooring. The air was breezy through the house carrying with it the faint smell of the sea. The sound of dishes clattering outside and below my window distracted me from my thoughts. I tossed the white Duvas aside and stood up on the cold marble floor, I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I dragged myself into the washroom to get ready for the day. I stared at myself in the mirror. I gazed at my pale complexion against my light blue sleep shirt, I knew that come September the sun would have given my cheeks a bronze glow and lighted my golden hair. The washroom walls were cement, but dainty illustrations had been carved into them. Stepping back into the bedroom I nearly fell over a large painted pot and gasped as it almost toppled to the floor and smashed, the morning hours made me clumsy. , I switched on the light, causing a small chandelier to emit a soft glow. The crystals reflected a rainbow of light onto the backwall. I slumped onto a cushioned bench beside the window and propped my elbows on the windowsill. I stared out at the glorious water and closed my eyes as I felt a gust of wind tousle my hair and make the curtains billow. I could hear the distant sound of seagulls and the gentle crashing of waves against the shore. The salty breeze filled the room, carrying with it the scent of the ocean. I breathed deeply allowing the salty air to pass through my lungs and then exhaled opening my eyes. The turquoise waters stretched out as far as the eye could see, merging seamlessly with the clear blue sky. The sun's rays danced upon the surface of the water, creating a display of shimmering light. The journey to Positano had been long and tiring, but the sight before me made it all worthwhile.I stood up and unzipped my suitcase, retrieving a white t-shirt, jean shorts, and a sheer washed-out blue button-up. After I changed and made my bed, I made my way through the villa to one of the balconies on the main floor overlooking the magnificent view. Sienna's mother, who had organized the trip, was engaged in conversation with her sister, the homeowner. Scanning the balcony for my friend, I realized she was still asleep, as usual. I chuckled to myself before Sienna's Aunt Francesca spotted me at the doorway and warmly invited me inside with her Italian accent. "Come," she said, "Breakfast is ready." I looked at the table in awe. It was adorned with many dishes. "Wow, this looks amazing, Grazie." I smiled gratefully. As I sat down, Sienna appeared from the doorway yawning and still in her pjamas. "Good morning!" I greeted her with a cheerful smile. "Morning Gracie." she replied, taking a seat beside me. Guilia and Francesca took their seats at the table and set a plate down in front of Sienna and me. We proceeded to fill our plates with an array of delicious foods. Bowls filled with fruit salad, plates stacked with biscotti and cannoli were arranged on a blue and white patterned tablecloth. The aroma of coffee drifted towards me, both women enjoyed their cappuccinos while conversing in Italian, occasionally pausing to share hearty laughs. I turned to Sienna since neither of us understood Italian. "How was your sleep?" I asked eyebrows raised. "Not bad, how was yours?" she replied brushing a strand of curly blonde hair out of her face. "I couldn't sleep," I said turning in my chair to face Sienna, "I was too excited for today!" We both smiled. "Girls! That reminds me was needed to discuss this week's itinerary." Francesca exclaimed. I focused my attention on Sienna's Aunt curious to hear what she had to stay. "Well today you girls can walk into town and find your own way around." Francesca said in between sips of her coffee. "On our own?" questioned Sienna putting down her glass of orange juice. "Yes," said Guilia, "The locals speak French and Italian. You both took French last year; you can figure it out." Guilia chuckled and looked at her sister. I bit the inside of my lip nervously, my french skills were weak. "Dinner is at 7:30 tonight and tomorrow I invited the neighbours, the Angelini's to come for dinner. They have four children." Francesca said. "The youngest girl, Isabella, is such an angel. She's only four but she is so smart." Sienna smiled excitedly and I knew she adored young children. "Alright Ladies well see you in a few hours, go have fun!" Guilia ushered us off and resumed her animated discussion with her sister. Sienna and I ran upstairs eager to prepare for the day and explore the town just the two of us.

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