Chapter 8:

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Throughout the remainder of the week with my friends, I had minimal interaction with Timothee, only catching a glimpse of him in town while enjoying ice cream. On the other hand, Sienna and Luca seemed to hit it off quite well. They had exchanged contact information and were engaged in conversations throughout the day. However, they wouldn't be able to meet again for another week. The two of us embarked on a train journey to Tuscany, where Guilia and Francesca's brother owned a farm and graciously offered us accommodation. He also had not seen Sienna since she was a baby and was eager to meet her. So, there we both were sitting on a train for 5 and a half hours. Sienna brought a book with her, "Love and Gelato" which was quite fitting. I brought my headphones and the both of us sat in silence for the first two hours. I watched the world go by. First, we passed beaches and eventually the waves turned into rolling hills as we entered the countryside. Cows and sheep on farms would look up from what they were doing as the train went by. Horses would occasionally run alongside the train much to my delight. We passed by farmhouses with children playing and adults tending to their fields. As the sun began to set over the hills, we finally reached the station. Sienna's uncle Antonio was easily recognizable, bearing the same warm eyes and round face as Francesca and Guilia. Despite his limited English, we could sense his joy upon seeing us. His farm stretched out for miles of green and yellow. Antonio grew peaches and nectarines and had set them out on a plate at the kitchen. I picked one up and remembered the day I spent with Timothee at "his" beach. Antonios wife was a short and plump women by the name Lucia. They had an extraordinary number of children. Three girls: Gianna. Bianca, and Alessia. Two boys: Lorenzo and Matteo. They were all within 10 years of age. Sienna felt comfortable right away. We had dinner with the family and listened to them tell stories about their younger years and Antonio told Sienna stories about his sister, her mother. We fell asleep that night with smiles on our faces.

The next morning, we ate peaches and toast and set out for the small town close to the farm. As we walked down the streets Sienna pointed out a small gelato stop, and we went inside. After buying the treat we sat down at a table outside and watched the passers-by. Sienna took scoops over her pistachio gelato, and I savoured my green apple. "I think I like Luca." Sienna said out of the blue. "You think?" I said. "Is it the obvious?" she asked. I nodded. "Why do you like him?" I asked, "Other than his height." I added. "She smiled and took a second before answering. The sun hit her hair and it shimmered golden in the light. "He's sweet, and he loves kids. And he's really good with them too." She explained. We both remembered how well he played with the kids on the day of the storm. "I don't know how to tell him though." she explained. "Sienna, I think he knows you have feelings for him." I said adjusting my blue tank top. "That would save me a lot of time working up the courage to tell him." Sienna said. I laughed, "Come on let's walk back to the farm." I suggested standing up. Sienna stood up and we walked towards the farm. Passing through the fields. We decided to take a different route straight through the peach trees. As the day drew to a close, a breathtaking scene unfolded over the vast expanse of the peach farm. The sun descended gracefully, casting a warm and ethereal glow across the horizon. The sky transformed into a canvas of vibrant hues, with shades of pink, orange, and lavender blending seamlessly. The sun dipped below the distant hills, casting long shadows that embraced the rows of peach trees. The orchard was bathed in the soft, amber light, and the leaves of the peach trees seemed to catch the last rays of sunlight, creating a shimmering spectacle. The air was filled with a sweet fragrance as the sun-kissed peaches awaited harvest.

The rest of the week in Tuscany provide Sienna and I time to grow closer but to also sort out our feelings about the Angelini boys. By our last night in Tuscany, I still wasn't entirely sure how I felt about Timothee. I knew that when I was around him my stomach churned, and I couldn't help but smile. I thought about him out on the porch of the farm house. The stars were shining above the roof, and I couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful sky, light pollution absent. Sienna joined me and we sat in silence. Without words we could communicate that we were lost in our thoughts. How odd that only a few weeks into the summer and we both had boys on our mind. I knew that this summer wasn't just about falling in love, it was about being with my best friend. My wish for the summer was to make meaningful memories and so far, I had done just that. 

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