Chapter 10:

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The last night of July was spent in the heart of the town Positano. I was with the three people that made this summer so memorable: Sienna, Luca and Timothee. We were sitting on the patio of a small pizzeria all sharing three large pizzas that should hold us over through the dancing until the end of the night. Out of the blue Luca brough up the question of what we want to do with our lives. Had pondered that question often but never came to a conclusion. I plan to see where life takes me. Sienna however had an answer, "I want a big house on a farm with a huge, white and wood kitchen, I want four kids: two boys and two girls. And I want to work at a small school teaching kindergarten and grade one." I grinned knowing this was something Sienna had wanted for a long time. "How about you Luca?" asked Sienna. "I think I'll go into engineering." Luca said simply. "Why?" I asked because it didn't seem like something he would be interested in. "It's entertaining enough and makes money, if you are good." he replied, "You should hear what Timmy wants to do, it's so boring." Luca added. I looked to Timothee waiting for a response. "I wanted to be a professor at the university my parents work at." He said throwing his hands in the air, "Sorry that so boring for you Luca." Timothee said. "It's your life not mine." Luca shrugged. I looked at Timothee sympathetically. "I think being a professor would be fascinating." I said. Timothee raised his eyebrows, "Oh yeah? What would you teach?" he asked. "If money didn't matter, I would choose Art history just for fun." I explained. Timothee nodded. "Time to go guys the party starts in ten minutes." Luca said interrupting our conversation. We stood up and the four of us walked in a line to the entrance of the party.

 Loud electronic disco styled music was already blasting from inside the building. We walked down the stairs single file into a dark room with neon lights brightly shining around the corners of the room. We were handed glow sticks and I put my pink and green ones around my wrist. Young people were dancing around screaming to the music and holding drinks in their hands. A teenage Italian boy offered a drink to me, and Timothee pushed it away. "No. Grazie." He said to the boy. "Don't drink anything they give you, it's usually a bunch of different alcohols mixed. You'll be sick in the morning if you drink it, make sure to tell Sienna that." Timothee explained. I nodded, "Okay, thank you." I Pushed my way through the crowd to find Sienna and Luca dancing. "Sienna did you drink anything they offered you?" I asked. "No, Luca said not too." she replied. "Good." I said. They continued dancing together and I smiled at them having fun. A little over half of the summer was gone and I wanted all of us to make the most of what was left. I found myself beside Timothee and we swayed and jumped to the music. I let the loud bass flow through me, and I let any care I had drift out of me with every beat. However, the peace did not last long as I heard a shout louder than the music from across the room. I turned to see a guy trying to dance with Sienna and Luca shouting at him. Timothee was already halfway across the room, and I was following him as best I could. Suddenly Luca swung his arm back and hit the guy in the jaw. He fell to the ground and Timothee pulled back Luca as he swung at him again. I grabbed Sienna's hand, and we pushed through the dancing people staring at us. "Testa di merda!" spat the guy standing up. I knew that roughly translated to "shithead". Luca tried to turn back but Timothees had was firmly gripped onto him. "What happened?" I whispered to Sienna. "That guy was just trying to dance with me. I said no thanks politely, but he wasn't having it. I think that pissed off Luca." She whispered back. "Clearly." I said. "I don't know it was sort of sweet of him." She said. I agreed. Once we exited the room and began walking down the streets Luca started laughing. Sienna looked at him confused. I started laughing out of confusing. "What are you laughing at." Timothee said smiling. This only caused Luca to laugh harder. Sienna and I were so confused, but Luca's laugh was contagious. Timothee looked at all of us like we were idiots and that only made the three of us laugh more. Eventually Timothee cracked a smile and within seconds all of us were stumbling down the street cackling at who knows what. None of us knew what Luca was laughing about, not even himself but that night was one I would remember for years. Not Luca punching someone but how we all grew closer, and our bond of friendship strengthened. 

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