Chapter 5:

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I didn't see Timothee again for four days. The day I saw him again was the day it rained. Luca had come to clean the pool for Francesca, he had brought with him his younger siblings. Sienna was ecstatic. She spent the morning playing hide-n-seek with Isabella and Alberto. I joined them for a while but was bored easily and went out to the pool curious to finally talk to Luca. I opened the large glass doors to the balcony to find Luca distracted by something inside. "What are you looking at?" I asked even though I already knew the answer. He had been smiling at Sienna and his younger siblings playing in the house. I put my hands on my hips waiting for his response. "Are you wearing my brother's sweater?" Luca asked looking at me. I pulled the sweater closer around me. "I asked you a question first." I retorted. "Nothing, I'm looking at nothing." He said. "If you like her, you could just tell her." I offered. He rolled his eyes at me. "Who says I like her?" Luca said. "The fact that you have being stealing glances at her for our entire conversation." I said. "I told you I was looking at nothing." Luca commented. "Alright I'm just saying." I said throwing my hands up in defeat. Luca went back to staring at Sienna and his siblings. "Oh, one last thing. You should come inside it's supposed to storm soon." I said. Luca followed me inside reluctantly. When we entered inside Timothee was standing inside speaking with Francesca. He saw me and smiled noticing his sweater on me. I tried to hide my embarrassment, he probably thought I was weird. Luca strode confidently over to Sienna. "So, you are playing a game.?" asked Luca. The kids screamed that they were. "Well, I'll just have to join in then, wont I?" He laughed as his sister jumped jump off the couch and into his arms. Sienna smiled, "I guess you will."

A storm warning had been sent out to all the fishermen in the area. The rain was pouring outside and the occasional thunder and lightning strike scared Isabella, Alberto attempted to put on a brave face but always leaned into his brothers at the loud bangs. Francesca had called Mrs. Angelini to offer the kids stay at her house for the night. Mrs. Angelini had said that her children were quite capable of walking the few steps to their house. Francesca had waved her off and told her she missed having young kids around and that she would have rooms prepared for them. Mrs. Angelini couldn't argue with that. The four Angelini children, Sienna and I had settled ourselves into a circle on the floor. Sienna on my left and Alberto on my right. "Can we play would you rather?" perked up Alberto. "Sure, that could be fun." said Luca. "Great idea!" smiled Sienna and Albertos face lite up at the praise. "I'll go first," Sienna said, "Isabella would you rather have a pink unicorn or a purple one?" Isabella looked stumped but after a long pause she shouted, "Yellow!" Everyone laughed. "This is boring." complained Alberto mad that he wasn't the first to be asked a question. "Well, what do you want to play then?" asked Sienna calmly. "Sardines." said Alberto with certainty. "As you wish Al, I'll go and hide." Luca said jumping up and walking deeper into the house. After 30 seconds Alberto sprinted off and Isabella was right on his heels. Timothee, Sienna and I parted ways on our quest to find Luca. As I went in the opposite direction of Lucas location Sienna walked right into the room, he was in. She peeked into the closet of a spare guest room. "Hi." said Luca. "Oh hi!" said Sienna in surprise. Luca made room and Sienna slipped into the closet. It was a tight fit, and both were pressed closely together. Neither one made a sound, but Luca's hazel eyes never left Sienna's blue ones. Suddenly Isabella swung open the closet door and jumped into Sienna's arms. "I found you!" she whispered. "Good job Bella!" whispered Luca leaning close to Sienna. Sienna smiled at the way Luca treated his younger siblings. Then I walked into the closet and slipped myself in. "I thought I had lost but it looks like we are missing two." I said happily. Timothee walked in and noticed the one person who wasn't there." Oh no, he's going to be pissed he lost again." said Timothee. "What's pissed?" asked Isabella. Sienna laughed and Timothee put his face in his palm. Alberto walked in a and sighed with disappointment. Luca took one last longing glance at Sienna as he walked out of the room. He patted Alberto on the back before exiting. "You'll win next time buddy. Good night, everyone I'm going to bed." We all dispersed after that, and I slept soundly to the sound of rain. 

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