2- max's house

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The next day I decided to leave early for school as I didn't want to be around my dad. The side of my face hurt slightly but there wasn't any bruising so nobody would ask questions. When I got to school I saw my best friend waiting for me outside the gates. 

"Girl next weekend I'm not letting you go to a grand prix because we need to go shopping together." she said as I approached her and I laughed a little. She carried on talking but my mind was focused on other things. I pulled my phone out my pocket ignoring her.

"Hello am I invisible or something?" she said.

"Sorry I just need to do something quickly." I pulled up Max's contact and started typing. He responded quickly which was good.

~Max can I please come back to urs tonight cos dads still angry

~ Yh that's ok but you need to look after P for a bit as I'm going out with Kelly

~That's fine

~Did something happen yesterday when you got home?

I looked up from my phone as I heard the bell ring signalling first period. 

The rest of the school day was boring and uneventful. I spent all of my lessons laughing with my friends and getting no work done. I didn't see the point of school. It was just another reason for my dad to keep shouting at me.  When last period was over I went outside to meet Max. He was leaning against his Aston Martin Vantage looking at his phone while he was waiting for me. When I got up to him I slapped his arm slightly making him jump.

"Ouch, what was that for?" he said smirking.

"Just felt like doing it" I replied with a laugh.

We pulled out of the car park and Max slammed his foot down on the accelerator, making my head fly back. He just looked at me and laughed. I liked it when he drove fast but obviously I didn't have any kind of neck training like he did. Once he'd slowed down a bit he glanced at me looking concerned.

"You didn't text me back earlier when I asked if anything happened yesterday"

I felt my cheeks go slightly red from panic. "Nothing happened, don't worry" I lied.

The look of concern on Max's face grew.

"Abi I can tell when you're lying to me."

I fidgeted with my fingers not looking at him. "I'm not lying alright so just drop it!" I said slightly more aggressive than I had intended.  I pulled my sleeves further down over my hands and looked out the window trying to distract myself.

"Abi you know you can tell me anything right?" Max persisted.

"MAX I SAID JUST DROP IT!" I shouted finally loosing my temper. Max didn't look satisfied but he didn't ask anymore questions for the rest of the journey. Eventually we pulled into the drive and parked the car. When we got into the house I was met by P running up and hugging me.

"I've missed you!" I said as I picked her up. " ...but its ok because I'm looking after you tonight and we're gonna have loads of fun"

"Can we watch Frozen?" she said.

"Course we can but wait till everyone goes out, then we can do what we want."

She squealed in excitement as I put her down. I went over to my room and put my stuff down. I had my own room here because I was round so much. I kicked my shoes off and immediately flopped down on my bed and went on my phone. About an hour later Max and Kelly left leaving the house to me and P. 

I ordered some pizza for us as I wasn't a very good cook and I didn't trust myself not to burn down the kitchen. After dinner I turned the tv on and put on frozen. Whenever a song came on we would get up to sing and dance around to it. I loved spending time with P because she was the only person who never judged me or made me feel uncomfortable. By 9 o'clock we were lying on the sofa together and P was already asleep with her little head resting on my chest. I looked down at her and forgot all my problems until eventually I too fell asleep.

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