3- mexico

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"ABI! GET UP!" Max shouted at me from the other room. It was Thursday morning and Max needed to fly out to Mexico for his next race. I heard the door open behind me and Max entered. "Abi come on you need to get up and go to school!"

I ignored him and rolled over so I was facing the wall. "I'm not going..." I mumbled.

"Yes you are now get up before you make me miss my flight!" Max said.

I really didn't want to go to school today. I had an exam that I hadn't revised for and I didn't want to run into Jessica. Jessica was my old best friend before she decided I wasn't good enough for her anymore and told the whole school that I kissed her boyfriend, which I didn't do.

"Abi!" Max continued tapping my foot trying to make me get up.

"I'm not going I said so can you just piss off and let me sleep?" I said.

"Watch your mouth alright! Why don't you want to go to school anyway?"

I really didn't want to talk about it so I just shrugged. Max sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Is it because of Jessica?" he asked.

I nodded slowly and Max took a second to think before he spoke again.

"If you do all your work on the plane and make sure your homework's done, I can call your school and tell them you're sick and you can come with me to the race this weekend."

It took my half asleep mind a second to process this. "Wait really?" I said in shock. Max nodded. 

"Holy shit! Thank you so much!" I squealed.

"Language! And pack your stuff quickly, we need to leave in an hour." he said getting up.

With a sudden burst of energy, I got up and started running around my room throwing stuff into my bag. I put on a hoodie and some leggings before putting on some mascara and running downstairs.

"You're going too?" Kelly questioned as she saw me with all my bags. Max gave her a look of I'll explain later  and she shrugged. "Well in that case have fun and be safe." she said, embracing me in a hug. We were going on Max's private jet so he didn't have to buy me a ticket. 


I sat down in the seat next to the window and leant my head back, staring outside.

"I wouldn't get too comfy, you've got school work to do remember?" Max said taking the seat opposite me.

 I flipped him off and he let out a sigh of disapproval. I shut my eyes and tried to get back to sleep. Max kicked my foot and I flipped him off again.

"Did you have anything to eat before we left?" he asked. 

I shook my head not opening my eyes.

"I've got some food here if you want?" 

"Nah I'm not hungry thanks." I said.

"Are you sure? You barely had any dinner last night."

Why did he feel the need to make conversation. I just wanted to sleep. I declined his offer again and pulled the blind down so the sun wasn't shining in my eyes. 


It felt like I'd only just got to sleep when I was awoken by Max shaking me awake and telling me that we'd landed. I stepped out of the plane and the hot air hit me like I was stepping into a furnace.

When we arrived at our hotel there was a mob of fans and media people waiting for us. Camera's were flashing in every direction and people were shoving me to the side trying to get to Max. I turned round trying to find him but he was gone, I'd lost him in the crowd. I shouted his name, but my voice just mixed in with everyone else's. I was getting anxious and I could already feel my breathing quickening. My head was spinning and I couldn't see over any of the people around me. I tried to desperately squeeze past the fans but it wasn't having much of an impact. 

"Let me through please!" I heard Max's voice over the top of everyone else. He managed to push through a gap and finally got to me. He placed a hand on my back so as not to loose me and gently lead me to the entrance of the hotel. 

After checking in we eventually got up to our room. I flopped down onto the bed and pulled my phone out. Max threw a cereal bar at me and it hit me on the leg.

"What's this for" I said picking it up.

"I need to film some media stuff today at the track so we don't have time to make lunch before we go and you need to eat!"

"We only just got here though!" I whined.

"I know but you wanted to come so this is part of it." Max said pointing at the cereal bar, gesturing for me to eat it.

"I'll eat it on the way" This was a lie. I had absolutely no intention of eating it. I hadn't been eating as much recently as I wanted to loose weight.

"Alright then well lets go before we're late!" 

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