12- date

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I had been with my foster parents for a week now and I already hated them. All they've done since I got there was punish me. On the first day I got grounded for trying to run away, 2 days after that they took my phone because I tried to sneak out, and we always argue multiple times a day. 

It was the morning of a school day, nothing much had changed with my schooling as I was still going to the same one. Unfortunately Jessica's still there.

"Abi, out of bed now!" Fiona shouted from the other room. I turned over acting as if I didn't hear her. My door creaked open and Fiona came in.

"Abi, this is your last chance, now get out of bed!" she said. She waited for a few seconds for me to move. When I don't she tugged the covers off me.

"What the fuck!" I shouted at her.

"Excuse me! You do not use that sort of language in this house thank you very much! Now get up before I take your phone away again.

I sighed and got up. Fiona left me alone to get ready. I went into the bathroom and hopped into the shower, letting the warm water wash over me. I eventually got out the shower, put on my uniform and did my makeup.

"Get downstairs before your late! I need to drive you to school!" Richard shouted to me. Great! I didn't even have time to dry and straighten my hair, now it was going to go all curly and puffy. 

I went downstairs to see Richard waiting for me by the door. He looked me up and down with a look of disappointment on his face. "Are you not going to do something with your hair?" he asked.

"I was going to before you dragged me down here!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Less of that attitude. Get in the car!" Richard said, pointing a finger at me.

We got in the car and drove to school in silence. I sat staring out the window. I missed when Max used to take me and P to school. He would always put the radio on and we would always sing to the songs. Now I was sitting here in miserable silence with awful Richard.

We pulled up outside the school and I immediately got out the car without saying goodbye. I went straight to my best friend Vivienne, she was talking to her boyfriend and his best friend who also happened to be my crush. His name was Dino.

"Hey Abi!" Vivienne said as I approached them. I smiled back at her. Her boyfriend wrapped his arm tighter around her waist. She looked at Dino as if expecting him to say something.

"What's happening right now?" I asked with an awkward laugh.

"Dino wants to ask you something" Vivienne said smiling. My stomach did a somersault at her words.

"Uh.. yeah" Dino said scratching the back of his neck. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with me after school today... as like a date?"

My cheeks blushed. This was the first time I'd felt excited or at least happy since being with my new foster family.

"Yeah I'd like that"

Dino's eyes lit up at my response. "Great, well meet me back here at the end of the day and then we can go"

Just then the bell rang signalling the start of first period. Me and Vivienne left the boys and went to our first lesson. 

The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about Dino. He was literally perfect with his brown floppy hair, dark eyes and his beautiful Italian accent. I wanted to text Max and tell him. I pulled out my phone but then I remembered that Fiona and Richard had deleted his contact, they thought it would be quicker for me to adjust if I had no contact from any of my family before. I sighed, missing Max now more than ever.

A couple of hours later the bell went off to say it was the end of the school day. I walked out into the hallway to meet Dino who was already standing there waiting for me. 

"Are you ready to go?" he said smiling at me. I nodded returning his smile.

"Wait we have to be careful leaving though. My foster dad's here to pick me up and I don't want him to see me with you because he won't let me go." I explain.

"Oh ok..." Dino pauses for a second "alright follow me, I know somewhere we can go!"

I follow Dino to the back exit of the school. I never really go this way as it just leads to the hills at the back of town. We get out of the gates and walk down the small, twisty roads until eventually we reached an ice cream shop.

"I was thinking maybe we get some ice cream and then go and watch the sunset together on the hills?" Dino asked.

That sounded like the most beautiful, perfect date I could ever imagine. I held Dino's hand as we went into the shop. I got cookie dough and he got pistachio. After that we made our way up the hill to watch the sunset. The entire time we were laughing and smiling. It felt like every second I was falling for him even more. 

Eventually we got to the top of the hill just as the sun was starting to go down. We sat down on the grass together, Dino wrapped his arms round me and I laid my head on his shoulder. His touch made me feel safe and wanted. 

"Are you cold?" he asked as he noticed me shiver slightly.

"A bit"

"Here..." Dino took off his hoodie and gave it to me. 

I put it on and let the sleeves fall over my hands because of how big it was. I snuggled back down into Dino's chest. He looked down at me with a small smile, stroking my hair. I finally felt safe again and like someone wanted me still.

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