11- goodbye

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It was nearly a week later when the hospital told me that I could go back home, but I wasn't going home. I was going to live with a new family, in a new house, away from Max and everything else I loved. 

I woke up in my hospital bed for the final time. Today was the day that I was leaving. Max was already there with me, waiting for my new foster parents to collect me. I didn't really speak much that morning as I was scared that if I spoke the tears would come and they might never stop.

I was sitting in the waiting room, next to my brother, waiting to be taken away. My social worker was there with us too but she was by the entrance to welcome my fosterers. I was tapping my leg up and down as my nerves grew. What if they hate me? What if they don't let me visit Max or anyone else? What if they're really strict and mean? 

Max placed a hand on my leg to stop me from continuing to tap it. "It's going to be fine I promise." he said comfortingly. I just nodded, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Just then my social worker came in. "They're here!" she said. 

My gaze rose from the floor and focused on the two people now walking through the doors towards us. The women was short and slim but had a kind face with rosy cheeks. Her long ginger hair flowed down almost to her elbows. The man walking next to her was tall with dark hair and a sharp face. He smiled at his wife and then at me and Max. They looked like nice people but I desperately didn't want to go with them.

"Abi, this is Fiona and Richard, they're going to be your new foster parents." my social worker said as she introduced us. 

"It's wonderful to meet you finally, we've heard so much about you!" smiled Fiona. I just gave her a half smile in return, not really knowing what to say.

"I'll give you two some space to say your goodbyes and then we should probably get going." my social worker said, looking back to me and Max.

Everyone left the room until it was just us standing there. I didn't know when I would next see my brother. He'd done so much for me and now I had messed everything up.

"Max... please don't make me go! I promise I'll be good, just please let me stay with you!" my voice was shaky as tears started to form in my eyes.

"I know this isn't what you want but it's what's best for you. I'm sure we can still visit each other and when we do it'll be even more special. Just trust me ok?"

"I don't want to leave you though! Taking me away is just going to make things worse! And what if something bad happens during one of your races and I'm not there and then..." the tears were now pouring down my face.

"Shhhh it's ok. I promise that no matter what happens I will always be there for you. I'm always going to be your big brother and I'm never going to stop loving you!" Max said pulling her into a hug.

A few minutes past where we just stayed like this, with me crying into his shoulder. We only pulled apart when we heard my social worker coming back in and telling us that it was time for me to go.

I looked up into my brothers eyes. "I love you Maxie"

"I love you too Abi. See you soon..." tears were now starting to fill Max's eyes too but he didn't let them fall.

He ruffled my hair slightly before putting his red bull cap on my head. "Take it as a promise that no matter what happens I'll still be here for you" his voice then dropped to a whisper. "I'm going to try and get you out of there so you can come home!"

"We really do need to get going now!" snapped my social worker. 

I picked up my bags and made my way to the car park alongside my foster parents. I got into their car without saying a word. As the car started and we began moving Max waved a sad goodbye which I returned. As we pulled onto the main road I lost sight of my brother. I sank down into my seat, it was all starting to feel very real now. Things were changing for me and not entirely for the better.

"I thought we could stop and get some food on the way back. It would give us some time to get to know each other a bit better!" Fiona said looking back at me from the front seat.

"Yeah, alright..." I mumbled. The last thing I wanted to do was get to know these people. I just wanted to go home and not to these people's one.

About 30 minutes later we pulled up to get some food. The journey so far had been awkward with no one really saying much to each other. 

We sat down at a table, the couple sat opposite me and I had a side to myself.

"So what kind of stuff are you into?" asked Richard in an attempt to break the ice.

"I really like f1 obviously-" I began speaking but Richard cut me off.

"We've been advised for you to not really be involved with that. Your social worker said it could be damaging for your mental health!"

My heart sank even lower. F1 was the only thing that made me happy anymore, it wasn't damaging me! How on earth was I going to live without Max and now f1 completely?!

"No that's stupid! You can't stop me from at least watching it! It's not fair!" I yelled.

"Keep your voice down!" Richard snapped. "This is the best thing we can do for you and soon you'll forget about F1 and Max and you're terrible life before."

Anger and fear were bubbling up in me. I slammed my hands on the table and got up, leaving the restaurant. I walked straight past their car and started running down the road. I wanted to get as far away from these people as possible. Unfortunately it didn't take long for them to catch up to me as I wasn't a very fast runner.


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