Part 6

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Some time later we're on the croquet field. I'm just watching, I don't really like croquet.

Carlos is playing with the dog and Ben is teaching Jay croquet.

Evie is talking with mom and I see Audrey's grandmother walk over to Mal. I keep an eye on them, because I know the dislike that woman will probably feel for the vks.

"Hello, there." I hear the grandmother say.

"Hii." Mal responds with a nice smile.

"Now, have we met?" The woman folds her arms, smiling at Mal.

"No, I don't think so," Mal responds. "I'm new. I'm sort of like a transfer student."

"Ah." Audrey walks over to her grandmother. "Oh, Audrey! Give Grammy a kiss, dear." Audrey 'kisses' her cheeks.

Then she looks at Mal.

""Grammy"?" Mal questions.

"Sleeping Beauty's mother." Audrey says like Mal should've recognised her from the start. "Grammy, I don't think you want to be talking to this girl." The grandmother looks over to Mal a bit confused. "Unless you feel like taking another 100 year nap."

"What?" The grandma says.

I see that Mal was a bit hurt by this. I stand up to walk over to her if she needs support.

'Realization' washes over the grandmother. "You!???" She exlaims loudly. Mal stumbles back a bit, not expecting that reaction. Everyone turns to look at what's going on. "H-how are you here?.. And how have you stayed so young??"

I walk over to Mal as Ben grabs her to comfort her. "Queen Leah, it's okay."

"Maleficent is still on the island." I explain.

"This is her daughter, Mal." Ben finishes the explanation. "Don't you remember my proclamation to give the new generation a chance?" He smiles.

"A chance to what, Ben?" She looks at Mal. "Destroy us?"

Oh this will definitely not go well.

"Come on. You remember don't you?" She says turning to the fairy godmother. "The poisoned apples?" She turns back to Ben and Mal. "And the spells!" She looks at Mal. "Spells. My daughter was raised by fairies, because of your mother's curse. So her first words, her first steps. I missed it all!" She turns around almost crying. "You musn't trust her!"

Mal takes a step forward. "I'm so sor-" She gets cut off by Chad.

"Go away. Stay away from her!"

Ben takes a protective step in front of Mal.

"Don't do this Chad." I warn him, also taking a step forward.

"What? They were raised by their parents, Y/n."

"So were you, Prince Charming and Cinderella and somehow you turned out to be a jerk."

He ignores my comment. "What do you think villains teach their kids, huh? Kindness? Fair play? No way, okay? Nah uh." He looks at Mal. "You stole another girl's boyfriend."

"Hey- hey!" Ben takes a step towards Chad. Chad takes a step sideways to look at the other vk's.

He points at Jay. "You enjoy hurting people."

He looks at Evie. "And you, you're nothing but a gold-digger and a cheater." Oh now that's too fucking far. Before I can do something Evie grabs her mirror.

"Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?" She holds the mirror out in front of her. The mirror shows Chad, obviously.

"What?" He slaps her mirror out of her hand. "Come on!"

Jay immediately grabs Chad by his suit. "Back off, Chad!"

"Alright yeah?"

"Just back off!"

"Yeah?" Evie sprays some sort of perfume that makes Chad pass out.

"Chad. Chad?" Audrey seems worried. "Chad!"

Ben holds Jay back from getting into more trouble.

"Evie did something to Chad!" I hear Lonnie say. "Check if he's okay!"

"Come on, Mal." Evie grabs Mal and they run away.

"Guys!" Ben yells, I see the panick on his face.

Evie yells for Jay to come with them, Carlos already following them.

"Chad wake up!" Chad seems to gain consciousness again.

I walk over to mom and dad. Mom seems shocked. Dad cleans his glasses. "I feared something like this would happen." He states.

Ben and I look at him angrily. "This isn't their fault!"

"No, son. It's yours.." He puts his glasses on again. Ben looks hurt.

Mom still looks shocked. Dad grabs her hand. "Mom?.." She doesn't respond. She walks away with dad.

I put my hand on Ben's back, drawing circles on it to comfort him a bit. "It's not your fault." I look him in the eyes. "It really isn't."

Audrey scoffs at us as she and Chad walk away. Ben turns away and straightens his suit a bit. 


Ben and I walk over to the vk's. "Hey guys!" Ben says with happy energy, hoping to cheer them up a bit from the events earlier today.

"How is everyone?" I ask them. The vk's don't respond, looking down. Evie is playing with her food. The rest are mostly just staring off somewhere.

"Hey, listen." Ben grabs Jay by the shoulder. "Forget about it. Alright? It was nothing." He let's go off Jay and walks over to Mal. "Forget about it, let it go." He awkwardly chuckles a bit and stands behind Mal, holding her shoulders.

"Tomorrow, after the coronation, we promise everything will be okay." I assure them with a smile.

Ben leans down to whisper in Mal's ear. "Y/n and I have to go." He stands up straight again. "We'll see you guys later." We smile and then walk off.

Princess (Harry Hook x Fem!Reader x Evie)Where stories live. Discover now