Part 7

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I'm standing with mom and dad as Ben arrives in his carriage with Mal. Mal has a really beautiful dress on. Ben and her are so cute together. Ben told me about the love potion after he discovered she used one. He did explain to me that he understood it tho, because she had a crush on him and he was with Audrey etc. I didn't like that she used a love potion, but I do understand and I let it go for Ben's sake. 

I move onto the right side next to mom as Ben walks up the steps with Mal hand in hand. Mal really does look like a princess. I heard that Evie made her dress. I should ask Evie if she could make me a few. 

As they reach the top Mal curtsies before my mom. Mom smiles at her and gives her a nod. 

Mal turns to my dad. "About the other day, I just.."

Dad shakes his head. "I told Ben this wasn't going to be easy."

"You also told me that a king has to believe in himself. Even when it isn't easy."

"I did?" Mom slaps him on his elbow. "I- I mean.. How very wise of me."

Mom steps forwards and touches Ben. "Ben, we are very proud of you. You keep listening to your heart." 

Ben smiles wide. "Thanks, mom."

Dad grabs his shoulder and smiles. "You are gonna make a fine king." Ben responds with a wide smile. He looks up to dad a lot, I know that this means a lot to him.

I smile at Ben. "You're going to be the best." 

Dad grabs mom's hand and then walk away, I follow after them into the building. 

There are three big chairs/thrones with the wand in a glass case in front. Dad sits on the throne to left, then mom and then me on the right side. 

The two big doors then open, revealing Ben. I see that he's nervous. 

My dad offers mom his hand to stand up and mom follows offering me her hand. I take her hand and stand up, placing my hands folded in front of me. 

Everyone curtsies as Ben passes them. 

Fairy Godmother then comes up to us and gives me and my mom two kisses on the cheeks. She then curtsies before my dad. My dad bows and lets her take the crown off his head. 

Ben stops 2 steps before  he reaches the top and sits down on his knees. Fairy Godmother stands in front of him, holding the crown high and then placing it on his head. Ben looks up at dad and he responds with a proud smile and a bow of the head. 

Dad then moves and grabs the glass casing around the wand and lifts it up, out of the way. Mom then grabs the wand and presents it to the Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother takes it with a curtsy. 

Fairy Godmother moves in front of Ben. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the peoples of Auradon with justice and mercy as long as you shall reign?"

"I do solemnly swear."

"Then it is my honor and my joy to bless our new king." She taps each of his shoulders one time with the wand. 

Suddenly Jane grabs the wand. Everyone gasps and the wand goes haywire, shooting light in every direction. "If you won't make me beautiful, I'll do it myself!" As Jane tries to hold on to the wand sparks still coming out of the end she tries to cast a spell. "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo!"

Princess (Harry Hook x Fem!Reader x Evie)Where stories live. Discover now