Chapter 8

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It had been a few hours since they had left North macedonia.

"It is unfair that they don't want to change the past and with it the future, this time I will be selfish, not Macedonia, not Greece and no one else! I want my brothers back, I want my father back and I will kill them by my own hands if I have to! I just want them to be the nice brothers I had before....before the wars and before the death of Yugoslavia", Serbia was thinking as he was sitting in the backseat of the Jeep while Greece was driving.


He wanted to change everything a few hours ago! Why not now anymore?! He probably is against Serbia too, he probably is calling him a loser and monster behind his back too and he probably just plays being gay like- how can such an attractive man be gay? His mustache, his buzz cut , his muscular body, nothing was like the typical homosexuals that Serbia knew.

He slightly blushed at what he was thinking about this bastard and turned his head around to look out the window. It was already dark and the only thing he could see were Mountains and trees.

Say where you are

"Huh? What was this?", Serbia thought.

Kosovo, still in North Macedonia or already in Albania? The voice whispered in his...ear?

Serbia felt the need to reply and for some reason he couldn't really think straight, he felt the need to obey and he realized that it might be the book speaking to him. Although he snapped out of the little control the book had over him, it still continued whispering.

I can make your brothers be like they were, I can make Yugoslavia Never break and... I can let you be united with your brothers forever

Serbia's eye slightly widened and he looked outside.

Yes, I know what you desire, tell me where you are, and you'll get what you want.

Serbia, without thinking, told him. "We're in Kosovo", he whispered so no one else heard him.


After this two words, Serbia didn't hear anything anymore and relaxed in the seat, looking out of the window. After some minutes he turned his head at Greece who was talking with Albania as if they were best friends. This made Serbia roll his eye and glare out of the window, insulting the Albanian in his head.

Suddenly a bullet caused the jeep window to shatter and it almost hit Serbia.

"He's here", Serbia thought and suddenly one car tire got shot and Greece stopped so he wouldn't lose control over the jeep.

The jeep behind them also stopped and all of them got out and hid behind the car since the shooter was on the opposite side. Suddenly Bosnia stepped out of the shadows, a sick grin on his face while his eyes were blank.
He raised the gun in his hands towards Greece but Croatia tackled him before he could shoot. Croatia punched Bosnia's face before being kicked off him by another person.

Croatia looked up and saw his little brother with a blank face expression and a smirk on his face. The others stared at Montenegro too, they never had seen him like that so this was shocking.

"Hello~", Montenegro smirked and kicked Croatia in the face, making his nose bleed and his face full of dirt.

Bosnia got up and got his gun that he had previously dropped. "Y'know that we'll always find you, Right?", he grinned.

He aimed his gun at Croatia's head but Greece took his gun out of his holster and fired at the Bosnian's gun which flew some meters away from his hand and was now useless.

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