Drunk 💗/☁️

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My dumbass forgot about this, and after being ever so kindly reminded by EMAIL. FUCKING EMAIL. I'm back with another banger... Sadly no real banging as I have shit to do, and I forgot the emoji combos but 💗/☁️ means its cute and cuddly.

(TW: bad language and alcohol references, a bit of puke and a good bit of cringe)

Kevin was in bed scrolling on his phone, and suddenly he got a notification from Streber

"Ik ominn ovwr,,,*, 🧤👺🛩️"

Kevin, naturally, didn't have a clue what any of this meant, and the emojis didn't help a bit, so he called Streber instead of replying.

"Hey, are you having a stroke or something?? Where are you?"

"I already told you... I'm coming over to your place...~" Streber said, laughing a little. His voice was slurred and he had hiccups.

"But... Why??" Kevin was even more confused?

Streber thought for a second. "I wanna watch "The Inbetweeners" again..."

"It's 1 in the morning??? Why the actual fuck would you want to watch "The Inbetweeners" now???" Kevin was getting a bit pissed off.

"Becaaaussse, Kev, "The Inbetweeners" is funny, and I want to watch something... well, funny- is that ok?? Your not my dad, I'm gonna watch what I want, when I want..." Streber sounded a bit weird, and stupid, and he was talking slower then usual.

"Have you been drinking???" Kevin sounded a bit shocked, he never really thought about the fact that Streber could
actually own alcohol.

"Yes, and you can't stop me if I wanna do it again... So hahaha." Streber did a fake laugh, before knocking on the door. "I'm outside now... Have you got any slurpees?"

"No, I forgot my slurpee machine today I'm afraid." Kevin said sarcastically. He groaned and got out of bed, walked downstairs and opened up the door, only to see Strebers, who looked paler then usual and was stumbling a bit.

"Hiiiii Keviiiiin...~" Streber walked inside, immediately falling on to Kevins sofa. "It's a shame about the slurpee machine, huh?..."

Kevin rolled his eyes, pulling Streber off of the coach "Come on, we're going upstairs."

"Oooooo... What are we doing there?~..." Streber laughed and stood up, stumbling before eventually grabbing onto Kevin for support "I feel sick..." Streber mumbled

"Come on, I'll get you a bottle of water and a basin if you need to... You know..." Kevin pretended to vomit and Streber nodded.

"Thank you Kev..." Streber groaned, hugging Kevin "But seriously, I think I'm gonna be sick..." He tried to get up the stairs quickly, grabbing onto Kevin for support before running into the bathroom and kneeling over the toilet.

Kevin had to stand next to the toilet and rub Strebers back for most of the night, occasionally he got Streber some more water or a blanket, but nothing much happened. "Are you feeling better?" Kevin asked, as Streber hadn't gagged in a couple minutes.

Streber nodded and they both walked back to Kevin's bedroom, Kevin helped Streber into bed and then got in next to him, hugging him "Do you mind me asking, where were you that you drank so much?"

"Ethan threw a party... Weren't you invited?" Streber looked at Kevin, confused.

"No. No I was not invited." Kevin looked up at the ceiling "Whatever, Ethan is a total prick anyway."

Streber gave Kevin a light punch "Thats my best friend your talking about." Streber said, but he quickly fell asleep and forgot completely.

"Hm... Doesn't change the fact he's a knob." Kevin laughed lightly, pulling Streber closer, before falling asleep himself.

(Update, to the person who apparently had a dream this got a new chapter, I'm not gonna lie that's a bit sad man... And also, I hope that the lot of yous enjoyed a minor who's only ever had a sip of alcohol trying to right a drunk lad, it's not that accurate I don't think.)

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