Chapter 12

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~C H A P T E R 1 2~
~an unknown reason for all~

"Misstress, please wake up."

(Y/N)'s (e/c) eyes grudgily opened to meet a gray, soft light in her room. It seemed to be raining outside, still cloudy from the night before. Her eyes then fixed on Juliette, her maid.

"Good morning, mistress!" Juliette sang sweetly and softly. "Good morning." (Y/N) murmured, knowing that she couldn't quite remember something... rather important for today.

"You must be ready in five hours' time, mistress! Come along! We must bathe you and get you ready as soon as possible so you can enjoy this lovely day!"

(Y/N) stopped Juliette's hand from pulling her up any further. "Juliette, dear... What are you talking about?" She asked, confused. Juliette let out a nervous giggle. "Um... You're leaving off to the Phantomhive manor. Your new household."

(Y/N)'s heart shattered. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it. Soon enough, yesterday's conversation came flooding back.

(Y/N) watched her father, her face taking over horror. "No! How could you do this to me?" She cried out. "Maia! Do not raise your voice at us!" Her mother implied, raising her eyebrow as she put her tea down.

"Why... Why would you send me to him? Where did you seem to get this idea from?!"

"The Earl asked us if we'd be fine by his choice, and he has decided to take you in; he has yet to teach you a lot about case-solving!" Lord (F/N) said extravagantly.

"But father!" (Y/N) countered her father hopelessly. "I do not wish to be taken in by that..."

Wow. Had it all been not only a nightmare for her? Had she called him a brat, even if she knew she couldn't admit it herself? Was it truly real life? "I..." She trailed off, her eyes growing wider. Juliette was silent as another maid entered the room, Mary.

"Mary. Please help me bring the mistress to the bathroom. She's in a trance," Juliette giggled, as both maids dragged her to her demise.

There, she was stripped of her clothing, as she sat in the bathtub. Her long locks were soaked, and so was all of herself. She was still under a trance, thinking of what could she possibly be thinking on agreeing to this preposterous deal!

"This is madness." She suddenly said quietly, her face twitching in disgust. "But mistress, 'tis already a done deal. You cannot back out! Besides, we thought you said us women could endure it all! Were you not correct? Juliette and I know you can do it, miss!" Mary said sweetly.

(Y/N) sighed, shakily letting the maids help her out. An hour later, she was sitting by her vanity wearing a knee-high, baby blue dress with white satin and ribbons. Her white thigh-high stockings were pulled on, and the dark Victorian heeled boots went on as well, her hair loose with a white ribbon tied on the back as it was the night before. She was covered with an incredibly light layer of makeup, and had her ring on her middle. The diamond necklace Mr. Phantomhive had gotten for her rested on her vanity, as she dared not touch it.

"Mistress, he'd be delighted if he saw you wearing the necklace!" Juliette insisted, and (Y/N) finally gave in. Maybe she could managedly make her way through her life and ignore the earl? Who knew? But she truly didn't want to avoid him.

It was the fact that the boy who kissed her was one of her best friends' fiancée. She couldn't believe she actually had done such a traumatic action.

Once she tried it on, it felt good. It wasn't heavy, but light. It was incredibly cold against her warm skin. So she let ouf a sharp exhale, standing up as she picked up a white frilly umbrella and a pair of lace gloves. "I cannot believe this is to happen," She murmured, as her maids accompanied down the grand stairs.

Suddenly, (Y/N) felt Juliette put a hat over her head. She looked up to see it being decorated with white lace and ribbons, and a matching fabric baby blue rose to the dress. "Thank you," She blushed slightly. Juliette bowed, smiling brightly.

"Ah, (Y/N)! You look like a princess with that heavenly outfit!" Her mother sighed dreamily. "Mother, please do not act in such a way over a simple manner of dressing. It is what you taught me, anyways."

"Oh, but darling! It's hard for me not to begin cooing over such a perfect dress!" Her mother implied, taking her hands as she smiled like the sun itself. There was one point that drove (Y/N) insane over her mother; she was absolutely perfect in every way.

Lady (M/N) was an incredibly and astounding genius for a woman, and a very tricky one as well. She was graceful and delicate, yet strong and bold. She was always proud of being herself, no matter what. She took pride in being head woman of the big (L/N) manor, and on her family. She was also beautiful and cunning, perfectly addequate inside and out.

"Thank you, mother." (Y/N) said quietly once again, not daring to reveal a pout of hers. Nor a smile. "Darling... Something is out of place in that usually bold brain of yours. What might it be?" She asked, tilting her head as she brought (Y/N) closer.

"I..." (Y/N) paused, knowing that she could not behave like a spoiled child. "Nevermind, mother. It's alright." (M/N) frowned, sighing. "Why not tell me? Do you fear I might get mad? I know something is bothering you, and I will not rest until I know what 'tis."

(Y/N) felt her heart drop at an accelerated rate for not telling such an important person in her life about her problems. So she whispered it all into her ear.

(M/N)'s eyes narrowed, as she hugged (Y/N). "Oh, (Y/N)... I didn't know such a thing bothered you. But let me tell you something." She recited quietly, weilding a caring and pittyful smile for her daughter.

"The Earl of Phantomhive does not only plan on helping with your career. But he also plans on starting the next Phantomhive generation with you. I can only do something and that is to notice the way he acts towards you. You are an incredibly important part of his life, believe me or not, darling. But you just are. His butler has informed me of everything his young master has planned, yet I do find it quite adorable that he loves you too much. Now, I hope that you learn to love him back. And you will learn to think I am correct on my following words." She paused.

"Because he will not rest until you're his. And I would very much like for my grandchildren to be the Queen's grand-niece's children, and the Queen's watchdog's children. So if the Earl of Phantomhive happens becomes your fiancée soon enough for the future... You better begin thinking soon about children's names, darling."

(Y/N) was startled by her mother's sudden velocity over Ciel's life.

"...Start a family with Ciel Phantomhive...?!" ~

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